【 日本の記念日365 】 12月22日は冬至
= 今日は何の日? =
日本には、色々な“ 〇〇記念日 ”があり、本当におもしろいです。
「 なんでそんな記念日ができたの? 」
「 その記念日、流行らないのでは… 」
「 そんな国際的なものがあるんだ! 」
= 12月22日:冬至 =
*冬至にちなんで、柚子デザインの支援型NFTです。可愛いくできました! 笑
The winter solstice is the day when the daylight hours are the shortest of the year, and the sun, which is indispensable for life activities on earth, has been an object of worship since ancient times and has become the standard of the calendar. The twenty-four seasons, which were invented in ancient China and introduced to Japan, are also determined based on the ecliptic, which is the path of the sun. The winter solstice is an important day when the power of the sun is at its weakest, but it is also an important day that shows a deep faith in the sun that brings the seasons. In Japan, it is customary to eat pumpkin and bathe in yuzu baths.
冬至是一年中白昼时间最短的一天,而地球上生命活动不可缺少的太阳自古以来就是人们崇拜的对象,并成为日历的标准。 二十四季是中国古代发明并传入日本的,也是根据黄道确定的,黄道是太阳的路径。 冬至是太阳力量最弱的重要日子,但这也是一个重要的日子,表明对带来季节的太阳有着深厚的信念。 在日本,人们习惯于吃南瓜,在柚子浴中沐浴。
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