





脊椎・股関節・膝関節・足関節のモビリティ、そして運動パターンの評価には、踵をついたまましゃがめるかをみたりします(適切でないかもしれませんが、ここでは普通のスクワットと分けるためにchild squatと呼びます)。これができるなら、壁になるべく近づいた状態でもフルスクワットができるか、さらにオーバーヘッドスクワットができるかを評価します(wall facing squat)。これ、しゃがめずに後ろに倒れそうになるので、アスリートの「できない悔しさ」を煽る上でも使えると思ってます。

肩・肩甲骨の簡易的なモビリティのチェックには、背中で手を合わせることができるか、を指標として用います。左右差を自覚するにはもってこいですね。FMSのSelective Functional Movement Assessmentで用いられているテストと同様ですが、個人的には、指先を伸ばして行ってもらっています。


Functional movement assessment

1. Child Squat
Stand with your feet wider than shoulder-width apart, and put your hands together in front of your chest. Keep your heels on the ground, and squat as low as possible. Try again, while keeping your spine in neutral position, bend from your hips.

2. Wall Facing Squat
#1. Stand facing a wall with your feet wider than shoulder-width apart. Place your arms to the sides, and squat as low as possible. Try not to fall back. And come back to the starting position.
#2. Now start with the same stance. Raise your arms over your head, and squat as low as possible. Try not to fall back. And then come back to the starting position.

3. Shoulder mobility (SFMA)
Raise your right arm and put your right hand between your shoulder blades. Now with your left hand, try to reach for your right hand. Put your fingertips together. Now do it on the other side.

4. Elbow push test (Trunk and scapular stability assessment)
Sit straight and cross your arms in front of your chest at shoulder level. Now I’m gonna push your left elbow. Try to resist and don’t let me move your body. Go ... okay. Now same on the right side.

5. Trunk lateral shift stability test (Original assessment)
Sit straight and raise your arms up to the side, while keeping your elbows at 90 degree. Shift your body to the left as if you’re leaning to the side. Now I’m gonna push your left shoulder down. Try to resist and don’t let me move your body. Go ... okay. Next, same on the right side.

6. Trunk rotary stability test (SFMA)
Begin on all fours on the treatment table. Place your knees under your hips and your hands under your shoulders. Make sure your back is flat. Raise your left arm and right leg, and place them parallel to the floor. Now, bring your left elbow and right knee together. And go back to the starting position. Next, raise your left arm and left leg, and bring your left elbow and left knee together. And go back to the starting position.

7. Trunk rotation stability test (Original assessment)
Begin on all fours on the treatment table. Place your knees under your hips and your hands under your shoulders. Make sure your back is flat. Raise your left arm and right leg, and keep them parallel to the floor. Now I’m gonna push your right leg down, so try to resist and don’t let move your body. Go ... And this time I’ll push your left arm down so try to resist. Go ... and relax. Next, same on the other side.





