

今回は、運動機能障害症候群(Movement system impairment syndrome)の評価を復習したかったのと、それを英語対応の患者さんに使えるようにしたいとのねらいで、以下の動画を参考に、いくつかのテストに関する英語表現を学びました。

講師はMaiko Morotani先生。5年ほど前でしょうか、performance in motionのセミナーでRobbieの通訳と実技指導をされていて、大変お世話になりました。


Forward bend

Now we’re gonna have you do some trunk movements at standing. While keeping your legs fairly straight, bend your body forward and reach for the floor. And then come on up. Did you feel increase symptom as you went down? (Did you feel increase in when you go down?) How do you feel coming up? Okay so you have some symptoms both on your way down and going up.

Side bend

Place your hand to your side and try to reach for the floor. And same on the other side.


Place both your arms across your chest and try to look back, start turning towards your right (or left), go back at the middle. Let’s do the other side.


This time I’m gonna have you march in place. How are you feeling as you march in place?

(Let's do march in place. Straighten both your arms in front of you and try to reach your palm with your knee, as you lift your leg during marching.)

SL stance

Can you lift your right leg up and balance on left foot please? And then the other side. And one more time on the left. Okay then right stance.

Half squat

Can you do a partial (mini) squat? Can I see you from the side view?

Thomas test (2 joint hip flexor length test)

Now I’m gonna test your hip flexibility. Could you lay on your back and have your legs dangling at the edge of the treatment table? Can you go a little lower, have your buttocks at the edge of the bed. Please pull your right leg towards you. Move your knee to your chest as much as you can. Okay good. Let’s switch side. Okay then, could you just go up all the way up, on your back?

Hip flexion

I’m gonna bend your right knee. Plase just relax for me. Okay then, can you do that for me please? And come on back down. 

Hip abduction and external rotation

On your right side please. I’m gonna bend your knees a little bit more. I’m gonna move your knee outward. Please just relax for me. Now can you do that on your own



例えば、上のThomas testは、特に腰に痛みのない患者さんで、ただ単に本人に股関節の硬さを実感してもらいたい、左右差に気づいてもらいたい場合に使える表現です。


