
I can't get my heels when crouching ..." How to solve | Easy stretch in 1 minute

Let me tell you from the conclusion

The reason why you can't get your heels when crouching is

"Soleus muscle and flexor hallucis longus"

Introducing a simple stretch that allows you to stretch the soleus muscle and flexor hallucis longus muscle in 1 minute!

Causes of narrowing the range of motion
 For some reason, muscles, fascia, ligaments, tendons, etc. become atrophied, shortened, or adhered, narrowing the range of motion of joints.

 It can also be caused by paralysis, burns, or injuries, but if you have no health problems but your joints have limited range of motion, it's because you haven't moved your muscles for a long time.

 If the muscles are not moving for 3 to 30 days, collagen fibers will increase, the transmission of exercise commands from the brain will be delayed, blood circulation will be impaired, and the muscles will become stiff.

Locomotive syndrome problems that are common in children
Locomotive syndrome is a condition in which there are few opportunities to move the body in daily life and the function of muscles and joints has deteriorated.

 Recently, it has become a problem that children are also suffering from locomotive syndrome.

 The number of children who do not crouch with their heels is increasing, and the reason for this is environmental factors such as less crouching in daily life than in the past.

 The order in which muscle flexibility decreases is

 Do not use muscles → Muscle tension is created and firmness comes out → The amount of water in muscle or fascial collagen and elastin decreases, and extensibility decreases → Movement is restricted.

 If you continue to have a habit of not moving, you will weaken your body's function regardless of age. Muscles that have become too stiff need to be stretched and regained range of motion.

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