日曜のフィーカ 2024/12/01 参考文献

西 真紀子. 科学に基づくこどもの口腔ケア

Dowen BIRKHED・西 真紀子・内藤禎人・神野洋平・Björn KLINGE. 北欧モデル スウェーデン歯科医療のホントのところ 12 スウェーデンにおける「顎顔面痛と顎機能」分野. 歯界展望2024年12月

西 真紀子. 乳幼児にフッ化物製品をどう使う?| Communication Gear

西 真紀子.患者さんによるプラークコントールの齲蝕予防効果の程度| Dental Life Design

Home - Students 4 Best Evidence

西 真紀子. 予防歯科臨床の最前線③「入手できる最良のエビデンス」の取り方. 大阪歯科保険医新聞 2021年10月15日号 1408号 http://osk-hok.org/hokenishinbun/pdf/211015_1408/211015_1408_02.pdf

Cochrane systematic reviews
Powered versus manual toothbrushing for oral health
Yaacob et al. (2014)

Cochrane systematic reviews
Different powered toothbrushes for plaque control and gingival health
Deacon et al. (2010)

Cochrane systematic reviews
Oral hygiene care for critically ill patients to prevent ventilator‐associated pneumonia
Zhao et al. (2020)

Cochrane systematic reviews
Interventions for replacing missing teeth: maintaining and recovering soft tissue health around dental implants
Grusovin et al. (2010)

Cochrane systematic reviews
Interventions for the management of dry mouth: non‐pharmacological interventions
Furness et al. (2013)

The Efficacy of Powered Oscillating Heads vs. Powered Sonic Action Heads Toothbrushes to Maintain Periodontal and Peri-Implant Health: A Narrative Review
Preda et al. (2021)

Efficacy of oscillating rotating versus side-to-side powered toothbrushes on plaque and gingival index reduction: A systematic review
El-Chami et al. (2021)

Dental plaque score reduction with an oscillating-rotating power toothbrush and a high-frequency sonic power toothbrush: a systematic review and meta-analysis of single-brushing exercises
van der Sluijs et al. (2021)

Systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled studies comparing oscillating-rotating and other powered toothbrushes
Clark-Perry et al. (2020)

Dental Plaque Removal by Ultrasonic Toothbrushes
Digel et al. (2020)

The effects of oscillating-rotating electric toothbrushes on plaque and gingival health: A meta-analysis
Grender et al. (2020)
