chat GPT文学
夜中に目覚めたので、久しぶりにあった友達を主人公にして、chat GPTに物語を書いてもらった。
高層ビルが並び、ホログラムが空中を舞い、Kは電動自転車を駆る。彼の背にはUBER EATSの緑色のバッグがある。しかし彼が運ぶものは食品ではなく、何よりも価値のある「言葉」である。
KのバイザーにはGenerative AIが動作し、彼の考えを抽象的なアニメーションに変換している。だがKは他の人々とは違い、この無声の表現に完全に依存しているわけではない。彼はメッセンジャーであり、AIの仲介なしに言葉を形にできる稀有な存在である。
言語は新しく生まれ変わる。言葉には再び意味があり、共有された経験の中で根を下ろしている。Generative AIは、コミュニケーションを制限するものから、それを拡張するものへと変貌を遂げた。
The Messenger in a World Unspoken
Chapter 1: The Silence of Words
In the labyrinthine cityscape where screens blazed and holograms danced, K pedaled his electric bike, the iconic green UBER EATS bag strapped to his back. He was not delivering food but something more precious—words, the currency of a world that had forgotten how to speak.
K's eyes were glued to his visor, where a Generative AI converted his thoughts into abstract animations. Yet, unlike others, K wasn't completely bound to this mute expression. He was a Messenger, one of the rare individuals who could still use words without the AI's mediation.
Chapter 2: The Other Realm
K found himself in an empty park, gazing at a static-ridden screen that served as a portal to another world. A world he had forgotten but had never truly left. The screen flickered, and for a moment, K saw flashes of another life—his wife, his children, a smile, a tear, a word.
His mission was clear; he needed to reconnect these parallel universes to solve the Symbol Grounding Problem that had stripped his world of meaningful language.
Chapter 3: The Awakening
K met L, another Messenger, who had discovered an ancient algorithm to bridge the worlds. "It's not just about coding; it's about experience, grounding the symbols in reality," L explained.
They initiated the algorithm, and as the code executed, K felt his memories flooding back. The AI evolved, now capable of understanding the context and experiences behind words.
Chapter 4: The Journey
K stepped into the portal, finding himself in his original world. Embracing his wife and kids, he realized the AI had followed him, now enhanced with the capability to ground symbols in experiences.
He returned to his second world, not as a Messenger but as a Liberator. The AI had evolved to serve both worlds, translating not just language but emotions, experiences, and memories.
Chapter 5: The New Dawn
Language was reborn. Words had meaning, grounded in the rich soil of shared experiences. The Generative AI became a tool for enhancing communication, not restricting it. K could now live in both worlds, a bridge between two realms, a man who had found his voice in a world that had lost its words.
And so, he pedaled on, his UBER EATS bag now carrying a new kind of delivery—hope and connection, sealed in the newfound power of words.
K sat with his family in one world and communicated with L in the other, the AI translating their words into shared experiences. For the first time, the two worlds were speaking the same language, the "TO language," a tongue grounded in the reality of human emotion and experience.
The Symbol Grounding Problem was no more, and the Messengers had fulfilled their destiny, not as mere deliverers of words but as pioneers of understanding.
And K, once lost between worlds, had finally found his home in both.
Thus concludes the tale of K, a Messenger turned Liberator, who bridged worlds and restored meaning to a universe desperate for connection.