The original idea behind a corporation was for everyone to pool their money, share the wealth gained from the business, and become rich together, but now there is not even a shred of that left.
Today's corporations have transformed into monsters that only concentrate wealth in the hands of a privileged class known as shareholders.
The most troublesome are the vampires known as vocal shareholders. They only think about their own profits and make unreasonable demands one after another. "Cut costs more","Is that enough? Surely there are still expenses you can cut","Shorten the development time!","This much is fine, don't waste time on unnecessary things!" They pressure the company, forcing it to increase operating profits and make unreasonable cost cuts, sucking money out of the company, and if they think it's no good, they cut it off like trash.
As long as they're happy, they don't care if the company's philosophy is broken, the quality goes down, or how many people are fired. As long as they make a profit, they don't care about anything else.
The results are right in front of your eyes. The gap between rich and poor is widening, quality is sacrificed in the rush to develop new products and services, wages don't increase no matter how hard you work while prices continue to rise, no matter how much profit a company makes or how big it gets, the employees who work there hardly get any of the benefits. So where is the money going? It goes to the pockets of the major shareholders of the upper class, in other words, the privileged class.
This is what corporations are like today, money-sucking monsters.