Go with the flow

When the time comes, walk away!
Don't extend your life unnecessarily.
If you stand still, you will hinder those who come after you.

When the time comes, accept death with dignity.
Don't perform resuscitation or life-prolonging treatment more than necessary.
Inform people that continuing resuscitation or life-prolonging treatment more than necessary will make those who could have been saved lose their lives.
Continuing resuscitation without restrictions will keep people busy, and others who are waiting for treatment will not be able to receive treatment, which can lead to their condition worsening or death.
Is there really any point in continuing to prolong life for decades? Please stop and think about it once. Is it necessary to tie a person who has not regained consciousness, has no treatment, and has no hope of finding a treatment or recovery to a machine and forcibly keep them alive? You can imagine what would happen if we didn't give up our seats to those who are waiting for a bed to become available.


