
恋愛 英語クラスの放課後物語#68:  「ボールペンのインクが減る、を翻訳してみたら? 外しました(笑)」

今回は「ボールペンのインクが減る、を翻訳してみたら? 外しました(笑)」について見て行きましょう。


「ボールペンのインクが減る」 = the ballpoint pen of ink will decrease.


"ボールペンのインクが減る" is "the ink in the ballpoint pen is running out."




当たり前ですが、こういう時は「running out」が普通でした(笑)。


The phrase "the ballpoint pen of ink will decrease" is grammatically correct, but it is not the most natural way to say this in English.

The word "of" is typically used to indicate possession or ownership, such as in the phrase "the book of John." In this case, we are not saying that the ballpoint pen owns the ink, but rather that the ink is contained within the ballpoint pen.

A more natural way to say this in English would be:

 The ink in the ballpoint pen will decrease.

The ballpoint pen will run out of ink.

The ballpoint pen will be low on ink.

These phrases are more idiomatic and will be more easily understood by native English speakers.

Here are some other examples of how to use these phrases in a sentence:

* I need to buy a new ballpoint pen because the ink in the old one is decreasing.

* I'm not sure if I have enough ink left in my ballpoint pen to finish writing this report.

* I always make sure to have an extra ballpoint pen on hand in case the one I'm using runs out of ink.



Plot 47