y’le u r hectic postin’ stuff u mite think’s chic on suchnetsilli, those who do anticyba tangible luv r; 諸君が洒落てると思ってしてる間にも
ain’t have no name to let me allow u to have——
remember just one thing, while you are hectic posting stuff you might think is chic on such-net-silliness, those who do anti-cyber tangible love are busy living their lives——•••
who cares those who seem to have no skills but for murmuring what the sensible dare not say, under the avatar stolen from such Net, sticking like barnacles to that very Net 24h 366d?
no worries, be proud with dignity——
& may heaven save that hopeless people, all the more hopeless for their unawareness of their themselves’ hopelessness——•••