「Trade Mindfully」を読む(14)第12章
Chapter 12
Final Thoughts
The practice of mindfulness trains the mind to be aware of ourselves and what our mind is telling us and, most importantly, mindfulness enables us to see that we have a choice in how we act in any given trading situation. Mindfulness helps us notice when we have become emotionally hooked by a demanding trading situation and also that we do not need to take action to appease the mind’s chatter.
Engage in practicing mindfulness regularly and systematically follow the trading psychology process. Those who routinely do mindfulness, in fact, refer to it as “mindfulness practice,” and they do so for a reason: developing mindful self‐awareness skills requires application, with an underlying sense of devotion.
Both mindfulness and the trading psychology process require regular, preferably daily practice. It is wise to schedule time and practice various exercises described in the book and routinely follow the trading psychology process laid out in Part III. This requires eff ort and commitment. Resolve for yourself a level of commitment that is right for you, jump into the water, and start practicing mindfulness and the trading psychology process.
But you won’t be able to actually swim until you get wet.
A trader must: (1) unlock the secrets behind the technical aspects of the market, (2) develop an understanding of sound money management and risk practices, and (3) develop a trading psychology edge.
(1) 市場のテクニカルな側面に隠された秘密
(2) 健全な資金管理とリスク管理についての理解
(3) トレード心理学のエッジ
By itself, psychology will not turn you into a great trader without technical and money management proficiencies.
Consider a club‐level tennis player, for example. She may have great mental skills and be as cool as ice on the tennis court. But if she hasn’t developed the knowledge, skill, and ability to play professional‐level tennis, she won’t make it very far at Wimbledon. The same is true in trading.
This being said, psychology is crucial. It underpins both technical skill and money management practice. Without a strong sense of one’s psychology, which we defi ne as a psychological edge, technical strategies can easily be compromised and money management practices may be left by the roadside. とはいえ、心理学は極めて重要である。テクニカル・スキルとマネー・マネジメントの実践の両方を支えるものである。自分の心理、すなわち心理的優位性と定義されるものを強く感じ取ることができなければ、テクニカル戦略は簡単に損なわれ、資金管理の実践は道端に置き去りにされてしまう。
As you begin to think about what you will be using in your own trading, keep the trading psychology process firmly in mind. Prepare a plan of action, execute it, and evaluate how you did and how your plan is working, and then make adjustments. Start with small, incremental steps. They quickly add up. Keep your mind open and be willing to learn new things about yourself and about your trading. Above all else, have a little compassion for yourself when things don’t go as planned or you fall short. No one gets to master it right off . And, remember what matters most to you. Keep your values as your beacon toward which you direct your actions and you will be tacking along the right course. Practice mindfulness and trade mindfully to achieve your optimum trading performance and reach excellence in your trading.
「Glad Game(喜びのゲーム)」は、主人公であるポリアンナが彼女の父親から教わる単純かつ力強い概念です。このアイデアは、どんなに困難や逆境であっても、その状況に喜ぶべき点を見つけることです。ポリアンナの父親は、このゲームを彼女に教え、困難に対処し、人生をポジティブな視点で見る手段としています。
小説全体を通して、ポリアンナは「Glad Game」を実践し、彼女が遭遇するさまざまな状況に適用します。彼女はこの哲学をコミュニティの他の人々と共有し、逆境に直面しても喜びと感謝を見出すように教えます。喜びのゲームは物語の中心的なテーマとなり、楽観主義とポジティブさの力が、生活を変え、幸福を促進することを示しています。
Pollyannaの「Glad Game」を
It will be so good just to walk. Oh, I'm so glad! I'm glad for everything. Why, I'm glad now I lost my legs for a while, for you never, never know how perfectly lovely legs are till you haven't got them—that go, I mean. I'm going to walk eight steps to-morrow.