
9th August 2024: 本当の愛とは心の平穏だ

When I was younger, a friend once asked me why I was so patient when it came to love. No matter how many times I fell in love, I could stay devoted to one person without changing my feelings. I was surprised by myself because I knew I wasn’t someone who could endure discomfort for long. But when it came to love, I was always patient. I understood that if I didn’t try my best, I wouldn’t give up. But once I realized there was no way forward, I would stop and lose patience easily. One day I might still feel good, but the next day, I might not.

In truth, there are many people like me in this world, and I consider it a good trait of mine, even though I used to think it was bad luck. Because it’s hard for me to forget, it’s also hard for me to fall in love. So, if I decide to commit to someone, that person receives my love fully, without me being unfaithful. However, I’m the one who ends up in a difficult position because when I love someone, there’s no middle ground. Either I love them fully, or I don’t love them at all. Over the years, life has taught me many times that we shouldn’t love anyone completely or hate anyone with all our hearts because everything can change.

In recent years, life has tested me to understand the meaning of self-love. I don’t know how to define this, but based on what I’ve experienced and the answers I’ve found for myself, it’s a state of peace. If someone enters your life and causes you turmoil, that’s not love. Love is peace. Even if we don’t look good, aren’t beautiful, or appear bad in someone’s eyes, there will be that person who supports us. There’s no need for sweet words or to say anything at all—just being there beside us when we fall is enough.

I once listened to a podcast where they discussed how to choose a life partner. We shouldn’t choose someone to fill the gaps in our lives. Humans often seek someone who is opposite to them or who can complete something missing in their lives, because it feels like we’re being completed. But in reality, we should choose someone who is similar to us, someone who can understand us just by looking into our eyes. Because if the love fades and we’re too different, we’ll end up arguing about everything. It’s no wonder that when we’re with family and close friends, even if we’re not our best selves, they are ready to forgive and understand us. We should choose a life partner like that. It might seem boring to choose someone similar to ourselves, but believe me, in the long run, it’s better. This was part of the podcast’s content. After listening to it, I thought about my parents’ relationship. Even though they separated when I was young, I later learned that despite my father’s temper, he loved my mother very much and always let her have her way, even if it caused conflict with his family. But because they were so different, when they finally broke apart, they could never come back together again.

No one can complete us; we must complete ourselves. No one can love us as much as we love ourselves. Our hearts cannot be fulfilled by anyone else but ourselves. We are the ones who must move ourselves forward. This is what they call self-love.

Having gone through so much in life, I don’t expect much when it comes to love anymore, because I’ve always been disappointed. I just hope that the person I love is happy, even if I have to keep them deep in my heart. Some people are like forbidden love. We can love them, but we might never be together. They may end up loving someone else, and I might have to love someone else too. We just stay as friends, loving in another form.

I recently looked up some articles about the different types of love and found that the kind of love you're describing is often referred to as Agape or Unconditional Love. This is a selfless love where you care deeply for someone and want the best for them, even if it means putting their happiness above your own and enduring pain yourself. It’s a love that is not dependent on the circumstances or whether the other person loves you back, but rather it’s about genuinely wanting their well-being and happiness, without expecting anything in return.

I hope that someday, someone will love me the way I’ve loved others too.









