QCED(Quantum-Classical Encoder-Decoder)とFNN(Feedforward Neural Network)の比較
変数の数が増えるにつれ指数関数的に複雑になる最適化問題で、200変数では可能な解の組み合わせは約 1.6 × 10^60 通りに達します。
数字だと 1,606,938,044,258,990,275,541,962,092,341,244,800 だそうです。
使用するのはQCED(Quantum-Classical Encoder-Decoder)とFNN(Feedforward Neural Network)です。
QCED(Quantum-Classical Encoder-Decoder)は、量子計算と古典的なニューラルネットワークを融合させたハイブリッド手法で、QUBO(Quadratic Unconstrained Binary Optimization)問題に対して非常に強力な解決してくれます。このような大規模問題を短時間で解くことは、従来の古典的な手法では極めて困難です。しかし、QCEDは量子シミュレーションを活用し、解探索を効率化してくれます。
import numpy as np
file_path = '200_QUBO_instances.npy'
Q_list = np.load(file_path, allow_pickle=True)
# 読み込んだデータを確認
<class 'numpy.ndarray'>
[[[ 0.87835693 -0.05598211 3.683261 ... 6.4303255 -1.8843331
1.6913242 ]
[-0.05598211 -3.8544106 -1.6865983 ... 0.10170794 8.554954
-6.560239 ]
[ 3.683261 -1.6865983 0.6847429 ... 4.1337156 7.147146
-5.7261066 ]
[ 6.4303255 0.10170794 4.1337156 ... -5.928204 -7.277937
-3.4466977 ]
[-1.8843331 8.554954 7.147146 ... -7.277937 0.83853626
3.9370723 ]
[ 1.6913242 -6.560239 -5.7261066 ... -3.4466977 3.9370723
[[-8.407826 -7.7025204 5.179104 ... -1.616338 6.5573287
[-7.7025204 -5.6019745 -6.2455225 ... 3.1760235 6.641848
-7.629181 ]
[ 5.179104 -6.2455225 2.690012 ... 5.638295 8.471462
-0.6121874 ]
[-1.616338 3.1760235 5.638295 ... -2.261506 -7.186126
3.7407212 ]
[ 6.5573287 6.641848 8.471462 ... -7.186126 1.258419
-1.3019364 ]
[-0.02192593 -7.629181 -0.6121874 ... 3.7407212 -1.3019364
-4.416256 ]]
[[-9.488083 8.058189 -3.666016 ... -1.4998932 5.252211
-2.0552635 ]
[ 8.058189 -5.101273 -6.9305077 ... -6.2437572 4.829009
-0.7470312 ]
[-3.666016 -6.9305077 -8.463369 ... -1.9663281 -7.3712444
3.4172711 ]
[-1.4998932 -6.2437572 -1.9663281 ... -3.9669647 -4.3001432
-1.6329725 ]
[ 5.252211 4.829009 -7.3712444 ... -4.3001432 8.586697
-6.046257 ]
[-2.0552635 -0.7470312 3.4172711 ... -1.6329725 -6.046257
-4.2270255 ]]
[[-9.903284 -2.5444975 -4.8658643 ... -1.9106255 7.974622
-6.4791775 ]
[-2.5444975 5.2603436 -1.7656236 ... -3.4351063 6.3991966
-3.8232503 ]
[-4.8658643 -1.7656236 -6.575544 ... 3.6702332 -0.0736351
3.7162786 ]
[-1.9106255 -3.4351063 3.6702332 ... 0.47473717 2.1200066
-1.1627731 ]
[ 7.974622 6.3991966 -0.0736351 ... 2.1200066 -1.1586561
[-6.4791775 -3.8232503 3.7162786 ... -1.1627731 -0.90860987
-6.848552 ]]
[[ 8.320421 0.06300545 5.622634 ... -8.942442 2.9164004
3.314126 ]
[ 0.06300545 -9.422556 -3.6271994 ... 1.9982953 -4.08238
-3.3852835 ]
[ 5.622634 -3.6271994 2.031063 ... -2.3335936 -2.8284044
3.5308604 ]
[-8.942442 1.9982953 -2.3335936 ... 1.2786207 3.9538307
[ 2.9164004 -4.08238 -2.8284044 ... 3.9538307 9.607193
-2.1903872 ]
[ 3.314126 -3.3852835 3.5308604 ... 0.29459763 -2.1903872
-1.7977161 ]]
[[-5.583067 -3.3709478 -2.9271286 ... 7.619334 0.14672041
-0.6116371 ]
[-3.3709478 4.3764887 2.421525 ... -1.4115126 -3.8925061
-2.7743666 ]
[-2.9271286 2.421525 9.209936 ... -2.6664572 -5.363298
5.7154903 ]
[ 7.619334 -1.4115126 -2.6664572 ... -9.761688 -1.7106423
0.7213435 ]
[ 0.14672041 -3.8925061 -5.363298 ... -1.7106423 2.755107
-3.460055 ]
[-0.6116371 -2.7743666 5.7154903 ... 0.7213435 -3.460055
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
from copy import deepcopy
class ClassicSolver(nn.Module):
def __init__(self,Q_size,layers):
self.layers = layers
self.hidden = nn.ModuleList()
for i in range(layers):
if i ==0:
if 0<i<layers-1:
if i == layers-1:
self.relu = nn.ReLU()
self.tanh = nn.Tanh()
def forward(self,x):
out = x
for i in range(self.layers):
if i < self.layers-1:
func = self.hidden[i]
out = func(out)
out = self.relu(out)
func = self.hidden[i]
out = func(out)
out = 0.5*self.tanh(out)+0.5
return out
def qubo_loss(Q,x):
off = Q.detach().clone()
return torch.dot(x,torch.diag(Q))+x.t()@off@x #linear terms + quadratic terms
def fnn_solve(Q_list,layers,Q_sol_list=None,learning_rate=0.01,num_epochs=500,pre_rounds=20,anneal_round=10,post_annealing=True):
sol_list = []
vector_list = []
for index,Q in enumerate(Q_list):
if Q_sol_list !=None:
Q_sol = Q_sol_list[index]
Q_size = len(Q)
fnn_state_list = []
pre_loss = []
for pre_round in range(pre_rounds): #pre-sampling rounds
fnn = ClassicSolver(Q_size,layers)
inputs = torch.rand(4,requires_grad=True)
optimizer = torch.optim.SGD(fnn.parameters(), lr=learning_rate)
for epoch in range(20): #20 epochs of training for each pre-sampling round
out = fnn(inputs)
loss = qubo_loss(Q,out)
#clear the gradients
best_fnn_params = fnn_state_list[np.argmin(pre_loss)]
best_inputs = inputs_list[np.argmin(pre_loss)]
#actual training
fnn = ClassicSolver(Q_size,layers)
inputs = best_inputs
optimizer = torch.optim.SGD(fnn.parameters(), lr=learning_rate)
solution = []
for epoch in range(num_epochs):
out = fnn(inputs)
loss = qubo_loss(Q,out)
#clear the gradients
with torch.no_grad():
out = fnn(inputs)
binary_solution = [np.array([0 if v <0.5 else 1 for v in solution[i]]) for i in range(num_epochs)]
fnn_sol = binary_solution[-1]
W = Q.detach().numpy()
best = fnn_sol.T@W@fnn_sol #cost value
best_sol = fnn_sol #solution vector
print("fnn loss:",best)
if post_annealing:
u = np.identity(Q_size)
T = abs(best)
for a in range(1,anneal_round+1):
print(f"annealing round: {a}/{anneal_round}")
T = T/Q_size/a
for i in range(Q_size):
trial_sol = abs(best_sol - u[i])
loss = trial_sol.T@W@trial_sol
if loss < best:
best_sol = trial_sol
best = loss
print("better solution found, loss:",loss)
if np.random.rand() < np.exp((best-loss)/T):
for j in range(Q_size):
if j != i:
trial_sol2 = abs(trial_sol-u[j])
loss = trial_sol2.T@W@trial_sol2
if loss < best:
best_sol =trial_sol2
best = loss
print("energy barrier overcome, loss:",loss)
if Q_sol_list !=None:
percentage_error = 100*(best-Q_sol)/abs(Q_sol)
if percentage_error > 0.001:
print(f"instance: {index+1}/{len(Q_list)}, loss={percentage_error}")
print(f"instance: {index+1}/{len(Q_list)}, loss={best}")
return sol_list
energy barrier overcome, loss: -7270.085608959198
energy barrier overcome, loss: -7277.4733147621155
better solution found, loss: -7291.2521276474
better solution found, loss: -7331.992702960968
better solution found, loss: -7364.177434921265
energy barrier overcome, loss: -7369.382350444794
energy barrier overcome, loss: -7391.930121421814
better solution found, loss: -7400.794818878174
energy barrier overcome, loss: -7426.123362064362
better solution found, loss: -7448.69739818573
better solution found, loss: -7464.209702014923
energy barrier overcome, loss: -7470.498142242432
better solution found, loss: -7474.490074157715
better solution found, loss: -7482.60951757431
energy barrier overcome, loss: -7499.3888463974
energy barrier overcome, loss: -7503.722304821014
energy barrier overcome, loss: -7523.53792142868
energy barrier overcome, loss: -7528.712829113007
better solution found, loss: -7530.4759821891785
annealing round: 2/10
better solution found, loss: -7534.821636676788
annealing round: 3/10
annealing round: 4/10
annealing round: 5/10
annealing round: 6/10
annealing round: 7/10
annealing round: 8/10
annealing round: 9/10
annealing round: 10/10
instance: 100/100, loss=-7534.821636676788
最適化結果: [-6882.13072681427, -7104.082824707031, -6953.216075897217, -7182.5534200668335, -7625.4486174583435, -7178.059028148651, -6764.183611392975, -7125.820971488953, -7150.0958886146545, -6586.682129859924, -6301.727297782898, -6467.445317268372, -6772.246123313904, -6489.615850925446, -6685.903628349304, -7515.334743499756, -7005.321583747864, -6570.864305973053, -6936.357727050781, -6328.4874267578125, -6753.252447605133, -6684.2883496284485, -6233.45458650589, -6888.106480121613, -6335.27365064621, -6685.763347148895, -6710.372583866119, -6843.076160430908, -6500.282066822052, -6367.54719877243, -6413.069146633148, -6012.203217506409, -7544.315174102783, -6647.361626625061, -7690.616402626038, -6742.389635562897, -7137.193478107452, -6716.983383655548, -6573.659171581268, -7173.340741157532, -6873.588557243347, -5470.138840675354, -6411.483247280121, -6578.835870742798, -6336.735528469086, -7480.291038036346, -6028.380337715149, -7032.744576931, -6642.237397193909, -6319.391517162323, -6093.93727350235, -6112.176330089569, -6129.763909816742, -6364.019955635071, -6614.005595207214, -7285.074822425842, -8150.715076446533, -7237.96831035614, -6972.512172222137, -6886.287088871002, -6874.873653411865, -7177.208784580231, -6591.548059463501, -6026.9044070243835, -6067.188675403595, -5857.083622455597, -6059.013258457184, -6385.657928466797, -7426.963681221008, -6694.863788127899, -8470.104269504547, -6816.053777694702, -7656.909501552582, -7100.4130120277405, -6104.913543701172, -6312.859435081482, -6069.653106212616, -7399.189745426178, -6514.7608294487, -6507.512263774872, -6637.954981803894, -6464.523952007294, -7146.513973236084, -6656.9875202178955, -6752.638627052307, -6267.541570663452, -6984.852240562439, -7129.915972232819, -6565.36901140213, -6627.910125732422, -7331.5474462509155, -5879.125876903534, -7096.481014251709, -7505.373484134674, -6614.666921138763, -7041.0602951049805, -6694.567754745483, -7298.342719554901, -6263.025983810425, -7534.821636676788]
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
from torch import Tensor
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from qutip import *
from scipy.spatial.distance import pdist, squareform
import time
device = torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu")
# Construct 1-qubit Pauli operator
def single_pauli(q,j,axis): #q: number of qubits, target jth qubit, axis of the Pauli matrix (x->0, y->1, z->2)
product = [qeye(2)]*q
paulis =[sigmax(),sigmay(),sigmaz()]
product[j] = paulis[axis]
return tensor(product)
# Construct 1-qubit number operator
def nz(q,j): #q: number of qubits, target jth qubit
product = [qeye(2)]*q
product[j] = (1+sigmaz())/2
return tensor(product)
# Construct 2-qubit number operator
def nznz(q,j,k): #q: number of qubits, target jth and kth qubit
product = [qeye(2)]*q
product[j] = (1+sigmaz())/2
product[k] = (1+sigmaz())/2
return tensor(product)
# Calculate the Rydberg interaction matrix based on the given coordinates
def ryd_int(coords,C=1):
interactions = squareform(C/pdist(coords)**6)
return interactions
# Quantum simulation of the Rydberg Hamiltonian
# The Rydberg Hamiltonian is composed of one global Ω(t), q local Δj(t), and q(q-1)/2 Rydberg interactions Vjk
# Ω(t) is parametrized by the asymptotic values of the basis step functions, while Δj(t) by the initial point Δj(0) and the slope sj
# Ω(t), Δj(0),and sj each has q parameters (in total 3q parameters)
def simulation(q,T,omegas,delta_0,delta_s,V,noise=0):
T:evolution time
omegas: Ω(t) parameters
delta_0: Δj(0)
delta_s: sj
V: Rydberg interaction matrix
noise: maximum random noise ratio (relative to the laser parameters)
omegas = omegas*(1+np.random.uniform(-noise,noise))
delta_0 = delta_0*(1+np.random.uniform(-noise,noise))
delta_s = delta_s*(1+np.random.uniform(-noise,noise))
#N = len(omegas)+2 #include boundary values
#oparams = [0]+list(omegas)+[0] #boundary conditions: Ω(t0) = Ω(tN) = 0
N = len(omegas) #dont consider boundary conditions
oparams = list(omegas)
delta_t = T/N #duration of each step
w = [oparams[i] if i==0 else oparams[i]-oparams[i-1] for i in range(N)] #coefficients of the basis Sigmoid functions
import cython #if Cython is installed, string-based Hamiltonian is used in QuTiP simulation
omega_t = ""
for i in range(1,N):
omega_t += f"{w[i]}*1/(exp(-1000*(t-{delta_t}*{i})+10)+1)+"
omega_t = omega_t[:-1] #remove the "+" sign in the end
delta_t = []
for j in range(q):
d = f"{delta_0[j]}+{delta_s[j]}*t"
except ImportError:
#Without Cython (function-based Hamiltonian is used)
def omega_t(t,args):
y = 0
for i in range(N):
y += w[i]*1/(np.exp(-1000*(t-i*delta_t)+10)+1)
return y
class local_delta:
def __init__(self,j):
self.j = j
def evo(self):
func = lambda t,args: delta_0[self.j]+delta_s[self.j]*t
return func
delta_t = [local_delta(j).evo() for j in range(q)]
Vjk = 0
for j in range(q):
for k in range(j+1,q):
Vjk += V[j,k]*nznz(q,j,k)
#time-independent part
H_t = [Vjk]
#time-dependent part
for j in range(q):
time_list = np.linspace(0,T,int(T))
#intial state = ground state = |1>
init = tensor([basis(2,1) for i in range(q)])
result_t = mesolve(H_t, init, time_list,[], [])
#Measure in the z-basis of each qubit
measurement = [single_pauli(q,j,2) for j in range(q)]
#Expectation value measured in each qubit
expval_list = np.array([expect(measurement[j],result_t.states[-1]) for j in range(q)])
return expval_list
# Finite-difference method for gradient computation
def finite_diff(q,T,omegas,delta_0,delta_s,V,noise):
diff = 0.0001
shift = diff*np.identity(q)
omegas_grad = []
delta_0_grad = []
delta_s_grad = []
for m in range(q): #m: index of the parameter
plus = omegas+shift[m,:]
minus = omegas-shift[m,:]
plus = delta_0+shift[m,:]
minus = delta_0-shift[m,:]
plus = delta_s+shift[m,:]
minus = delta_s-shift[m,:]
ograd = np.array(omegas_grad).transpose() #jth row: gradients w.r.t. the expectation value of the jth qubit
dgrad_0 = np.array(delta_0_grad).transpose()
dgrad_s = np.array(delta_s_grad).transpose()
gradient_list = [[ograd[j,:],dgrad_0[j,:],dgrad_s[j,:]] for j in range(q)] #jth item: gradients of the expectation value of the jth qubit
return gradient_list
# Define the Encoder class
# Number of layers in the encoder can be specified in the argument
class Encoder(nn.Module):
def __init__(self,q,Q_size,layers,omega_max,delta_max,T):
Q_size: number of variables in the QUBO instance
layers: number of layers
omega_max: maximum allowed Ω
delta_max: maximum allowed Δ
self.q = q
self.omega_max = omega_max
self.delta_max = delta_max
self.T = T
self.input_size =int(Q_size*(Q_size+1)/2) #dimension of the input QUBO data
self.layers = layers
self.hidden = nn.ModuleList()
for i in range(1,layers):
if i<layers-1:
self.hidden.append(nn.Linear(3*self.q+self.input_size, 3*self.q+self.input_size))
self.sig = nn.Sigmoid() #activation function of the last encoding layer
self.relu = nn.ReLU()
def forward(self,x):
out = x
for i in range(self.layers):
if i < self.layers-1:
func = self.hidden[i]
out = func(out)
out = self.relu(out)
func = self.hidden[i]
out = func(out)
out = self.sig(out)
omega_out = (out[:self.q]*self.omega_max).reshape(self.q,1) #Ω domain [0,omega_max]
delta_out_0 = (-self.delta_max/2+out[self.q:2*self.q]*self.delta_max).reshape(self.q,1) #Δ(0) domain [-delta_max/2,delta_max/2]
delta_out_s = (-self.delta_max/(2*self.T)+out[2*self.q:]*self.delta_max/self.T).reshape(self.q,1) #s domain [-delta_max/2T, delta_max/2T]
return torch.cat((omega_out,delta_out_0,delta_out_s),dim=1)
# Define the quantum simulation as the PyTorch Autograd function
class Quantum(torch.autograd.Function):
#input is the input tensor from the encoder
def forward(ctx,input,q,T,V,noise):
ctx.q = q #save q as a parameter of ctx to use it in the backward pass
#turn the input tensors from the encoder into numpy arrays
t_omegas = input[:,0]
omegas= t_omegas.detach().numpy()
t_delta_0 = input[:,1]
delta_0 = t_delta_0.detach().numpy()
t_delta_s = input[:,2]
delta_s = t_delta_s.detach().numpy()
#calculate the gradients of the laser parameters and save it in ctx for the backward pass
finite = finite_diff(q,T,omegas,delta_0,delta_s,V,noise)
ctx.finite = finite
return torch.tensor(simulation(q,T,omegas,delta_0,delta_s,V,noise),dtype=torch.float32,requires_grad=True)
#grad_output is the gradient of loss w.r.t. each output expectation value
def backward(ctx, grad_output):
finite = ctx.finite
q = ctx.q
input_grad = []
for j in range(q):
grad_omegas = list(finite[j][0])
grad_delta_0 = list(finite[j][1])
grad_delta_s = list(finite[j][2])
#compute the gradient of loss w.r.t to each laser parameter with the chain rule
input_grad = torch.tensor(input_grad,dtype=torch.float32) #shape (q,3q)
grad_output = torch.reshape(grad_output,(1,grad_output.shape[0])) #shape (1,q)
loss_input = torch.matmul(grad_output,input_grad) #shape (1,3q)
loss_omegas = torch.transpose(loss_input[:,:q],0,1) #shape (q,1)
loss_delta_0 = torch.transpose(loss_input[:,q:2*q],0,1) #shape (q,1)
loss_delta_s = torch.transpose(loss_input[:,2*q:],0,1) #shape (q,1)
return torch.cat((loss_omegas,loss_delta_0,loss_delta_s),dim=1),None,None,None,None #shape (q,3) (same dimension as input)
#return None for extra parameters q,T,V,noise since we don't need to calculate the gradient of them
# Define the Decoder Class
# Number of layers in the decoder can be specified in the argument
class Decoder(nn.Module):
def __init__(self,q,Q_size,layers):
self.layers = layers
self.hidden = nn.ModuleList()
for i in range(1,layers):
if i<layers-1:
self.hidden.append(nn.Linear(q+Q_size, q+Q_size))
self.relu = nn.ReLU()
self.tanh = nn.Tanh() #activate function of the last decoding layer
def forward(self,x):
out = x
for i in range(self.layers):
if i < self.layers-1:
func = self.hidden[i]
out = func(out)
out = self.relu(out)
func = self.hidden[i]
out = func(out)
out = 0.5*self.tanh(out)+0.5
return out
# QUBO loss function
def qubo_loss(Q,x):
off = Q.detach().clone()
return torch.dot(x,torch.diag(Q))+x.t()@off@x #linear terms + quadratic terms
def QCED_solve(Q: Tensor,q_resource: dict,num_epochs=100,lr=0.01,e_layers=3,d_layers=3,noise=0,Q_sol=None):
Q: QUBO matrix. Should be of type torch.Tensor
q_resource: quantum resource of the Rydberg annealer. It should be a dictionary with keys in the order: "q","T","coords","omega_max",and "delta_max"
i.e. q_resource = {"q":4,"T":5,"coords":np.array([[0., 0.],
[0., 1.],
[1., 0.],
[1., 1.]]),
where q is the number of qubits, T is the evolution time, coords is the coordinates array of atoms,
omega_max and delta_max are the maximum allowed Ω and Δ in the simulation.
num_epochs: number of training epochs
lr: learning rate
e_layer, d_layer: number of layers in the encoder and decoder respectively
noise: maximum noise ratio relative to the laser parameters
Q_sol: cost value of the optimal solution (if available)
q,T,coords,omega_max,delta_max = [item for key,item in q_resource.items()]
Q_size = len(Q)
V = ryd_int(coords)
encoder = Encoder(q,Q_size,e_layers,omega_max,delta_max,T).to(device)
decoder = Decoder(q,Q_size,d_layers).to(device)
#take the upper-triangular elements of the QUBO matrix as the input
x = Q[torch.triu(torch.ones(Q_size, Q_size) == 1)]
params = list(encoder.parameters())+list(decoder.parameters())
optimizer = torch.optim.SGD(params, lr=lr,momentum=0.9)
start = time.time()
solution = [] #store the solution vectors
loss_list = [] #store the loss values
for epoch in range(num_epochs):
#Ryd denotes the function of quantum simulation
Ryd = Quantum.apply
#forward pass
encoder_out = encoder(x)
q_out = Ryd(encoder_out,q,T,V,noise)
y = decoder(q_out)
loss = qubo_loss(Q,y)
#update all the parameters
#clear the gradients
with torch.no_grad():
sol_vector = decoder(Ryd(encoder(x),q,T,V,noise))
loss_value = qubo_loss(Q,sol_vector)
if (epoch+1)%10 == 0:
if Q_sol == None:
print(f"epoch {epoch+1}: Loss = {loss_value.item()}")
print(f"epoch {epoch+1}: Loss = {100*(loss_value.item()-Q_sol)/abs(Q_sol)}%")
end = time.time()
#map the continuous (probabilistic) output to binary
binary_solution = [np.array([0 if v <0.5 else 1 for v in solution[i]]) for i in range(num_epochs)]
binary_losses=[] #losses evaluated with the binary-variable output
for bs in binary_solution:
binary_tensor = torch.tensor(bs,dtype=torch.float32)
binary_tensor = torch.reshape(binary_tensor,(-1,))
prob_losses = [s.item() for s in loss_list] #losses evaluated with the continuous-variable output
# If the optimal solution is not provided, then simply return the loss values
if Q_sol == None:
result = [binary_losses,prob_losses]
# If the optimal solution is provided, then return the percentage error relative to the optimal solution
bin_err = [100*(s-Q_sol)/abs(Q_sol) for s in binary_losses]
prob_err = [100*(s-Q_sol)/abs(Q_sol) for s in prob_losses]
result = [bin_err,prob_err]
print(f"Solution: {binary_solution[-1]}")
print(f"QUBO cost: {binary_losses[-1]}")
if Q_sol != None:
print(f"Percentage Error: {result[0][-1]}%")
print(f"Solving time: {end-start}s")
return result
# Plot the learning curve
def plot_learning_curve(result,figsize=(6,4),logx=False,logy=False):
num_epochs = len(result[0])
plt.plot(range(1,num_epochs+1),result[1],lw=3,label="continuous variables")
plt.plot(range(1,num_epochs+1),result[0],lw=3,label="binary variables",ls="dashed",color="tomato")
if logx == True:
if logy == True:
if result[0][-1] < 0:
raise ValueError("Negative values found in the result. Try percentage error loss instead or disable logy.")
Q_matrix = np.load('/content/200_QUBO_instances.npy')
Q_tensor = torch.tensor(Q_matrix, dtype=torch.float32)
#インスタンス数とQUBO行列のサイズを確認 100インスタンス 200変数
num_instances = Q_tensor.shape[0]
Q_size = Q_tensor.shape[1]
def extract_upper_triangular(Q_tensor):
upper_triangular_elements = [Q_tensor[i][torch.triu(torch.ones(Q_size, Q_size) == 1)] for i in range(num_instances)]
return upper_triangular_elements
upper_triangular_elements = extract_upper_triangular(Q_tensor)
upper_triangular_elements_tensor = torch.stack(upper_triangular_elements)
# 量子リソースの定義
q_resource = {
"q": 4, # 量子ビットの数
"T": 5, # 進化時間
"coords": np.array([[0., 0.], [0., 1.], [1., 0.], [1., 1.]]), # 原子の座標
"omega_max": 5, # 最大Ω
"delta_max": 20 # 最大Δ
# 各インスタンスごとにQUBO最適化を実行
for i in range(num_instances):
Q_instance = Q_tensor[i] # 各インスタンスのQUBO行列を取得
result = QCED_solve(Q_instance, q_resource, num_epochs=100, lr=0.01, e_layers=3, d_layers=3, noise=0, Q_sol=None)
# 学習曲線をプロット
epoch 100: Loss = -5062.001953125
Solution: [1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0
0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0
0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1
0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1
1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1]
QUBO cost: -5062.001953125
Solving time: 657.5923266410828s
最終損失値(Loss): -5062.001953125
最適化にかかった時間: 657.59秒(約11分)
[1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1]
FNN(Feedforward Neural Network)を使用して同じQUBO問題を解いた結果
最終損失値(Loss): -7534.821636676788
最適化にかかった時間: 約8分
[[-6882.13072681427, -7104.082824707031, -6953.216075897217, -7182.5534200668335, -7625.4486174583435, -7178.059028148651, -6764.183611392975, -7125.820971488953, -7150.0958886146545, -6586.682129859924, -6301.727297782898, -6467.445317268372, -6772.246123313904, -6489.615850925446, -6685.903628349304, -7515.334743499756, -7005.321583747864, -6570.864305973053, -6936.357727050781, -6328.4874267578125, -6753.252447605133, -6684.2883496284485, -6233.45458650589, -6888.106480121613, -6335.27365064621, -6685.763347148895, -6710.372583866119, -6843.076160430908, -6500.282066822052, -6367.54719877243, -6413.069146633148, -6012.203217506409, -7544.315174102783, -6647.361626625061, -7690.616402626038, -6742.389635562897, -7137.193478107452, -6716.983383655548, -6573.659171581268, -7173.340741157532, -6873.588557243347, -5470.138840675354, -6411.483247280121, -6578.835870742798, -6336.735528469086, -7480.291038036346, -6028.380337715149, -7032.744576931, -6642.237397193909, -6319.391517162323, -6093.93727350235, -6112.176330089569, -6129.763909816742, -6364.019955635071, -6614.005595207214, -7285.074822425842, -8150.715076446533, -7237.96831035614, -6972.512172222137, -6886.287088871002, -6874.873653411865, -7177.208784580231, -6591.548059463501, -6026.9044070243835, -6067.188675403595, -5857.083622455597, -6059.013258457184, -6385.657928466797, -7426.963681221008, -6694.863788127899, -8470.104269504547, -6816.053777694702, -7656.909501552582, -7100.4130120277405, -6104.913543701172, -6312.859435081482, -6069.653106212616, -7399.189745426178, -6514.7608294487, -6507.512263774872, -6637.954981803894, -6464.523952007294, -7146.513973236084, -6656.9875202178955, -6752.638627052307, -6267.541570663452, -6984.852240562439, -7129.915972232819, -6565.36901140213, -6627.910125732422, -7331.5474462509155, -5879.125876903534, -7096.481014251709, -7505.373484134674, -6614.666921138763, -7041.0602951049805, -6694.567754745483, -7298.342719554901, -6263.025983810425, -7534.821636676788]]