CRYSTAL LAKE HELIX ONE MAN JAPAN TOUR 2019@マイナビ赤坂BLITZ ライブレビュー / Live Review [日本語 / ENG]
セットリスト/ Set List:
1. Helix
2. Aeon
3. Agony
4. Prometheus
5. Matrix (ft Ikepy [HER NAME IN BLOOD])
6. +81
8. Machina
9. Lost In Forever
10. Mercury
-Drum Solo
12. Ritual
13. Hail To The Fire
15. Devilcry
16. BELOVED (ft Koie [Crossfaith])
17. Apollo
18. Sanctuary
19. The Circle
このライブは激しくて最高でした!Helix /Aeonで最初の曲から盛り上がるようになっていました。りょうくんのシャウトやブラックメタル風な叫び、デス声は鋭くて完璧で、鳥肌が立ちました!思うに、この曲は化け物のような存在感があり、上手く演奏したかったので、一番最初に入れた方が良いという結論になったのではないでしょうか。ライブ全体としてバンドは一体感があり、りょうくんがモッシュに入り歌えなかった時は彼に合わせるなど、上手く弾いていました。ちなみに、りょうくんのブラックメタル シャウトの話に戻ると、Aeon以外結構ありました。疲れると、普通のデス声とブラックメタルシャウトの中間のような形でシャウトをしていました。本当にかっこよかったです!
What an intensely amazing show! Opening with Helix / Aeon started the night off on the right foot. Ryo's shouts, black metal screams, and death growls were on point. Immediate goosebumps! Since this track is such a monster, I can imagine that they wanted to to perform it well, and therefore stuck it at the beginning. Throughout the whole concert, the band played so well together, all working in unison, and adjusting accordingly when Ryo was unable to sing due to being buried in the crowd. On a side note, returning to Ryo's black metal screams, I noticed that he utilizes them a lot more than just in Aeon. It seemed every time his voice was beginning to tire, he reverted to something halfway between normal and black metal screaming. It was really cool to hear!
Gaku's drum solo halfway through was a first for me. I've been to many shows, yet somehow never saw a drum solo. Such an amazing way to energize the audience while the rest of the band takes a break. I wonder if Gaku was really ok though. He must have been exhausted having preformed non stop for all that time.
HER NAME IN BLOODのIkepyさんやCROSSFAITHの小家さんがゲストで来てくれました!ステージに出た時は、結構びっくりしました。特にIkepyさんが登場した瞬間は、笑ってしまいました。Crystal Lakeワンマンライブである”Matrix”のためだけにわざわざ来て、その曲になったらリリースする”Pocket Ikepy”のような感じがして、とっても面白かったです。
Guests appearances by Ikepy of HER NAME IN BLOOD and Koie were surprising, but I'm so happy they came along to the concert! When Ikepy first bounced up on stage, I laughed. An image of a "Pocket Ikepy". which Crystal Lakes keeps around just for Matrix was hilarious to me at that moment. Both guys seemed to really enjoy coming out on stage, even for just a minute or so.
For such a heavy band, their MCs are really personalized and substantial. Who knew I would feel proud of living in Japan and supporting artists here afterwards. Ryo and Yudai, the lead guitarist, talked about how they treasure performances at home in Japan, specifically because of Japanese fans. I felt like, "Ohhhhhhhh is it ok for me to be here?". But I knew what they meant and didn't take any offense to it. Before, they had the dream of taking over this musical scene, which is debatably concentrated in west, but now they have realized that this is their home and they really appreciate the people who have supported them throughout their career. I really respect that they are not just focused on being accepted in the west. For Japanese bands, I think that is often overlooked, and that may lead them to loose some fans at home. To recognize external musical influences, as well as setting international goals is important, but underestimating the potential of the domestic fan base can be a mistake. Overall, I was just moved by their down to earth attitudes and sincere comments. It was kind of like "No matter how big we get, we won't forget you".
1つだけ残念だったのは、「just confusing」をやらなかったことです。ライブの雰囲気とそれほど合わないので、まぁ理由は分かります。なのでそんなに期待はしていませんでしたが、ちょっとだけ希望は持っていました。やったら、きっと面白くなると思います。
The only disappointment of this show was that they didn't play "Just confusing". I guess I wasn't really expecting it since it would be hard to fit in with the rest of the set, but it still would have been really interesting.
全体として、このライブは本当に良かったです!何度も言っているのですが、ライブに行くと元気が回復するような気分になります。アドレナリンが戻って来ました!実は、ライブ前に僕はあまり元気がありませんでした。でも、Crystal Lakeのおかげでパワーがみなぎってきました!どうもありがとうございます!
Overall, it was really fantastic! As often the case, I felt reenergized and my adrenaline is still flowing! On a rather personal note, I guess I had been feeling rather weak, but now, my power is back. Thank you Crystal lake!!!!