(Ephesians 3:20) Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us. どうか、わたしたちのうちに働く力によって、わたしたちが求めまた思うところのいっさいを、はるかに越えてかなえて下さることができるかたに、
It is amazing how God cares about us. No wonder the Bible declares in 1 Peter 5:7 that we should cast all our cares on him for he cares for us. Halleluyah!
神が私たちをどのように気遣っておられるかは驚くべきことです。 聖書がペテロ第一5:7で、彼が私たちを気遣ってくれるので、私たちがすべての気遣いを彼に向けるべきだと宣言しているのも不思議ではありません。 ハレルヤ!
Humans are wired to dream, have a vision, and pursue them. Along the line, you may meet some challenges but it doesn’t mean anything.
人間は夢を持ち、ビジョンを持ち、それを追求するように結ばれています。 それに沿って、いくつかの課題に直面する可能性がありますが、それは何の意味もありません。
God wants you to focus on the help his power inside you can offer. He is also concerned about your thoughts and the things you say.
神はあなたがあなたの内にある、神の力が提供できる助けに集中することを望んでおられます。 彼はまたあなたの考えやあなたの言うことについても心配しています。
His Word is telling us that he can do all that we ask or think, according to how far we will allow his power to function or work in us.
Spend time in prayer and meditation today. As you do, commit your dreams, visions, and goals in life before him.
今日は祈りと瞑想に時間を費やしてください。 あなたがそうするように、彼の前の人生であなたの夢、ビジョン、そして目標をコミットしてください。
Remind him of his word which says, he can do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think (your dreams, visions, and goals) according to the working or operation of the Holy Ghost in us. Halleluyah!
彼は、私たちの聖霊の働きや働きに応じて、私たちが尋ねたり考えたりすること(あなたの夢、ビジョン、目標)をどんなことよりも遥かに超えることができるという彼の言葉を思い出してください。 ハレルヤ!
Meditation: (Ephesians 3:20) Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us .
Activity: Spend time in prayer and meditation today. As you do, commit your dreams, visions, and goals in life before him. Remind him of his word which says, he is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think (your dreams, visions, and goals) according to the working or operation of the Holy Ghost in us.
Confession: The power of the Holy Ghost inside me can accomplish anything. Therefore I will accomplish all my dreams, visions, and goals. I rule over challenges I face by the power of the Holy Ghost resident in me. I am a champion forever. I am a winner forever. His power in me accomplishes exceeding abundantly above all that think or ask. Halleluyah!
If you have never been born again, then make the confession below.
I declare from today that Jesus Christ is my Lord and I believe that God raised Him from the dead.
You can begin to attract God’s goodness into your life from today.
Prepared by Ps. Bernard and his Team
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