(Acts 10:44) While Peter was still speaking these words, the Holy Spirit fell upon all those who heard the word. ペテロがこれらの言葉をまだ語り終えないうちに、それを聞いていたみんなの人たちに、聖霊がくだった。(使徒言行録10:44)
God and His Word are inseparably one (John 1:1; John 10:30).
This means the Word of God carries the same power God Almighty carries.
Concerning you, the Bible declares that “having been born again, not of corruptible seed but incorruptible, through the word of God which lives and abides forever” (1 Peter 1:23).
So your origin is of God. God’s Word gave birth to you the day you made Jesus Christ your Lord.
Also, the word mostly translated “word” in phrases like “the Word of God came to me”, “and the Word of the Lord came to me” in the Old Testament is the word “dabar”.
This word has several meanings but one important meaning is the word ‘power’. Since it is God’s Word that gave birth to you, it means all of God’s power is in you today.
Will you sit down for Satan and his little demons to fool around you?
Speak the Word! Speak the Word! Speak the Word! As you speak the Word, the Holy Ghost will fall on everything that that hears the Word.
スピーク・ザ・ワード!(Speak the Word 言葉を話せ!みことばを語れ! あなたが御言葉を語ると、その御言葉を聞くすべてのものに聖霊が降り注ぐでしょう。
Speak so that there will be freedom and progress in your life this year. Halleluyah!
Activity: Spend time in prayer and fellowship with the Spirit of God. Start speaking the Word of God in your mouth into this year so that you can have a successful year.
Confession: I am born by the Word of God. This means all of God’s power is in me. Everything in nature hears me for I speak with power. As I speak, the Holy Ghost falls on everything that hears me. My marriage, job, academics, demons, satan, laws, and future hears the Word of God in my mouth. I will be extremely successful this year and nothing or no one can stop me. Halleluyah!
I declare from today that Jesus Christ is my Lord and I believe that God raised Him from the dead.
You can begin to attract God’s goodness into your life from today.
Prepared by Ps. Ben and Team
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