

(2 Kings 6:16) So he answered, “Do not fear, for those who are with us are more than those who are with them.
(2 Kings 6:16) そこで、彼は答えた、「恐れることはない。私たちと共にいる者は、彼らと共にいる者よりも多いからである」

The Amplified Classic Edition of the Bible renders 2 Kings 6:16-18 as “[Elisha] answered, Fear not; for those with us are more than those with them. Then Elisha prayed, Lord, I pray You, open his eyes that he may see. And the Lord opened the young man’s eyes, and he saw, and behold, the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire round about Elisha. And when the Syrians came down to him, Elisha prayed to the Lord, Smite this people with blindness, I pray You. And God smote them with blindness, as Elisha asked.

The Bible told us that those who would choose to live righteously after the order of Christ would suffer persecution (2 Timothy 3:12). This information should never put you in fear but rather get you prepared so that you don’t relax in your Christian walk. I have suffered all kinds of persecution, but they all made me stronger and helped me to know how powerful my God is. During those difficult moments, I saw the salvation of my God like never before. All of that has become testimonies for me. In our theme scripture, Prophet Elisha and his people were surrounded by heavily armed soldiers. With this kind of fiery sight, one of his servants found himself in fear. He thought that day was their end. Then the Prophet told him that he should not be afraid of what his physical eyes were seeing for an innumerable company of angels are with them. In the end, the Prophet triumphed over those physically armed men (2 Kings 6:16-20). The God of Elisha is your God. His name is Jesus and today He is telling you that don’t be afraid of all those trying to intimidate you. Declare that you dwell in an innumerable company of angels hence you cannot be intimidated and every evil force you encounter today goes down for your sake. Halleluyah!

Confession: I live with an innumerable company of angels. These angels are super wicked and are ready to act upon my command. Those that are with me are more than those against me. Halleluyah!
告白する: 私は無数の天使たちと暮らしている。これらの天使たちは超邪悪で、私の命令に応じて行動する準備ができている。私と共にいる者たちは、私に敵対する者たちよりも多い。ハレルヤ!

Say this if you have never been born again. I declare from today that Jesus Christ is my Lord and I believe that God raised Him from the dead.

You can begin to attract God’s goodness into your life from today.

Prepared by Ps. Bernard and Team

Facebook: Pastor Bernard Efa

YouTube: Pastor Bernard Efa

Instagram: Bernard Bahaah Akwasi Efa
