BBC英語ニュースmemo | 【ルポ】 ミャンマー軍事独裁政権と戦う人たち その途方もない犠牲
オリジナルの英語BBC News
翻訳版のBBC News Japan
■ excruciating cost | 耐え難い犠牲
extremely painful. 動詞はexcruciateで、語源は「磔にする」。
The win at Rihkhawdar was not straightforward. It came after multiple offensives were launched for more than a year. And for some families it came at an excruciating cost.
■ sassily | 自信たっぷりに
“She used to sassily dance around all the time. But she was not into dressing up. She used to idolise soldiers and would listen to songs all day that talked about soldiers who dedicated their lives for the country. She was brave and strong, and not scared of anything,” says Lalthantluangi, Lalnunpuii’s mother.
■ bludgeoned to death | 殴り殺される
Both had been brutally tortured and bludgeoned to death with the butt of a gun. Lalnunpuii had been raped. Her brother’s chest, arms and genitals bore burn marks from boiling water. The BBC has seen detailed photographs of the bodies and the post-mortem reports.