
BBC英語ニュースmemo | スリランカ大統領選、左派リーダーが勝利 政治への信頼回復約束し就任

オリジナルの英語BBC News
翻訳版のBBC News Japan

■ tally | (投票数などを)集計する

But Dissanayake, who promised voters good governance and tough anti-corruption measures, emerged as winner after the second count, which tallied voters' second and third choice candidates.

■ austerity | 緊縮財政

Austerity is a set of political-economic policies that aim to reduce government budget deficits through spending cuts, tax increases, or a combination of both. 「禁欲生活」の意も。
To revive the economy, Dissanayake has promised to develop the manufacturing, agriculture and IT sectors. He has also committed to continuing the deal struck with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to bail Sri Lanka out of the economic crisis while reducing the impact of its austerity measures on the country’s poorest.

■ clamouring for | ~を要求する

Dissanayake promised voters tough anti-corruption measures and good governance - messages that resonated strongly with voters who have been clamouring for systematic change since the crisis.

スリランカの選挙は第3希望まで候補者名を記入できるんですね。結構そういう制度を取り入れている国って多いのでしょうか? その方式に定められた経緯に興味が沸きます。
