BBC英語ニュースmemo | 【解説】 米国際開発局(USAID)とは? なぜトランプ政権の標的に?
オリジナルの英語BBC News
翻訳版のBBC News Japan
■ cast into doubt | 疑いをかける、不透明になる
cause something to be questioned or to make it uncertain. 「疑念を投げかける」の意味で、"call into question"も似た意味。
The future of the US government's main overseas aid agency has been cast into doubt, with employees locked out and the Trump administration planning to merge it with the US Department of State.
■ single out | 選び出す、槍玉にあげる
to choose someone or something for special attention. 特定の人や物を他から選び出す、または特定するという意味。
Trump is a long-term critic of overseas spending and has said it does not represent value for money for American taxpayers. He has singled out USAID for particularly strong criticism, describing senior officials there as "radical lunatics".
■ brace for | 備える、身構える
to physically or mentally prepare oneself for something. 未来に起こる可能性のある困難や厳しい状況に対して覚悟を決める。
Trump has made it clear he wants overseas spending to be closely aligned with his "America First" approach and the international development sector is braced for more shockwaves.