
BBC英語ニュースmemo | 【米大統領選2024】 トランプ候補の集会近くで男逮捕、銃2丁と偽造旅券を所持

オリジナルの英語BBC News
翻訳版のBBC News Japan

■ surrogate | 代理人

someone who takes the place of another person. surrogateは特定の状況での代行者を指し、replacementはより広い意味で使われ、stand-inは一時的に誰かの役割を果たす人を指す。
Mr Bianco is an elected official and a Republican who has previously expressed support for Trump. He is also acting as a surrogate - a representative - for Trump's re-election campaign.

■ disarray | ごちゃごちゃ、無秩序

a messy or confused condition, showing a lack of organization. disorderがより具体的な対象を取るのに対し、disarrayはより幅広く全体を指すことが多い。
In a police news conference on Sunday, Mr Bianco gave an account of events. He said that as the suspect approached an outside perimeter, near the location of the rally, he "gave all indications that he was allowed to be there".
But as the suspect got to the inside perimeter, "many irregularities popped up", Mr Bianco added, explaining that the vehicle had a fake licence plate and was in "disarray" inside.

■ treason | 反逆、裏切り

a crime of attacking a state authority to which one owes allegiance. 国家や社会全体に対する意味合いが強い。
In online posts, he has also promoted violence against Democrats for what he has called "treason" over the Hurricane Helene response.

