
BBC英語ニュースmemo | 修士号や能力があっても就職難……運転手や作業員、映画エキストラとして働く中国の「高学歴すぎる」若者たち

オリジナルの英語BBC News
翻訳版のBBC News Japan

■ auxiliary | 雑用、アシスタント

functioning in a supporting capacity. 「aux-」で「補助の」「予備の」 などを意味します。
China is now a country where a high-school handyman has a master's degree in physics; a cleaner is qualified in environmental planning; a delivery driver studied philosophy, and a PhD graduate from the prestigious Tsinghua University ends up applying to work as an auxiliary police officer.

■ churn out | 量産する、大量生産する

to produce large amounts of something quickly, usually something of low quality. 顧客によるサービス解約や契約解除の意も。
China is churning out millions of university graduates every year but, in some fields, there just aren't enough jobs for them.

■ futures trading | 先物取引

financial practice where participants agree to buy or sell an asset at a predetermined price at a specified time in the future. ある商品を将来の一定期日に、あらかじめ取り決めた条件で売買すること。
Prior to this, she worked at a futures trading company in Shanghai, where she was specialising in agricultural products.

中国からまた多くの若者が国外へと出ていく流れへとつながるのでしょうか? それとも…
