
BBC英語ニュースmemo | プーチン大統領、アゼルバイジャン大統領に旅客機墜落めぐり謝罪 ロシアの責任認めず

オリジナルの英語BBC News
翻訳版のBBC News Japan

■ stop short of | ~とまではいかず、する手前で踏みとどまる

If you stop short of doing or saying something, you decide not to do or say it although you almost do. ofではなくatを用いるケースも。
Russia's President Vladimir Putin has apologised to the president of neighbouring Azerbaijan over the downing of a commercial airliner in Russian airspace, in which 38 people were killed - but stopped short of saying Russia was responsible.

■ divert | 迂回する、方向転換する

to cause something or someone to change direction. 和訳は私訳となります。
The plane is believed to have come under fire from Russian air defence as it tried to land in the Russian region of Chechnya - forcing it to divert across the Caspian Sea.

■ read-out | 発表(資料)

information produced by electronic equipment, shown in print, on a screen or by sound. コンピューター分野では「読み出し」ですが、この場合は「配布資料」や「声明」という感じですね。
The Kremlin read-out made no direct admission that the plane had been struck by Russian missiles.

