BBC英語ニュースmemo | 衆院選、自民・公明与党の過半数割れ確実に 主要メディア各社が報じる
オリジナルの英語BBC News
翻訳版のBBC News Japan
■ provisional | 暫定的な、仮の
Opposition parties secured more than half the seats in the lower house, provisional election results showed.
■ tumultuous | 波乱、騒々しい
very loud, or full of confusion, change, or uncertainty. 原形は名詞の「tumult」で騒動、混乱。以下は私訳。
It comes after a tumultuous few years for the LDP which saw a “cascade” of scandals, widespread voter apathy and record-low approval ratings.
■ tarnished | 傷ついた、色褪せた
made to seem less good or respected. 物の状態を表したり、比喩的に評価や評判について使われる。以下は私訳。
The move to call the election came at a time when the LDP is desperate to restore its tarnished image among the public. Ishiba - a long-time politician who previously served as defence minister - has described it as the “people’s verdict”.