BBC英語ニュースmemo | ガザ支援職員殺害、イスラエルが調査報告の要旨発表 西側は全容公開求める
オリジナルの英語BBC News
翻訳版のBBC News Japan
■ cold comfort | 慰めにならない
Much less reassurance, consolation, aid, or pleasure than one needs or desires. 効果のない慰め、慰めにならない慰め、の意。
In a statement, Erin Gore continued: "[The IDF's] apologies for the outrageous killing of our colleagues represent cold comfort. It's cold comfort for the victims' families and WCK's global family."
■ in light of | 〜を受け
「を踏まえ」、「を考慮して」、「~に照らして」、「~の視点から見ると」の意。「considering」や「with regard to」と同義。
She said Israel must take "concrete steps" to ensure the safety of aid workers operating on the ground in Gaza, where several organisations have suspended operations in light of the deaths.
■ in the space of | (~の期間で)
Usually used to emphasize that the amount of time is quite small, relative to what is being done.「僅かな」期間で、と時間の短さを強調する表現。inではなくwithinが使われる場合も。
In the space of four minutes on 1 April, the seven aid workers were killed when three missiles destroyed their cars one by one as they engaged in humanitarian work.