
BBC英語ニュースmemo | UAEなどで暴風雨、ドバイ空港が冠水 「過去75年で最大」の降水量で死者も

オリジナルの英語BBC News
翻訳版のBBC News Japan

■ ploughing through | かき分けて進む

ploughはplowとも。すきで耕す、雪をかく、などの意味。「plough through 〜」で「~を切り開いて進む」「~をゆっくりと苦労しながら進む」の意。
Videos posted on social media showed aircraft ploughing through several inches of water that completely covered the airport's apron and taxiways.

■ wadi | 雨期以外は水のない川

wadi(ワジ)は元はアラビア語だそうです。英英辞書では以下: a valley that has a river that is usually dry except when it has rained, common in desert areas of North Africa and Western Asia.
On Sunday, 10 schoolchildren aged between 10 and 15 and an adult were killed when their bus was swamped by floodwater as it attempted to drive through a wadi in the al-Mudhaibi area of Sharqiya province, about 115km (70 miles) south of the capital, Muscat.
Three other children and the driver were rescued. Two of them were reportedly airlifted to safety after being swept 600m (1,970ft) from the bus.

■ cloud seeding | 人工降雨 / 気象種まき

"The UAE does have an operational cloud seeding programme to enhance the rainfall in this arid part of the world, however, there is no technology in existence that can create or even severely modify this kind of rainfall event," said Prof Maarten Ambaum from the University of Reading.


