BBC英語ニュースmemo | 日本の「ヤクザ」、核物質を密売しようとしたとして起訴 米検察

オリジナルの英語BBC News
翻訳版のBBC News Japan

■ hit with weapons and drug charges | 武器と麻薬に関連した犯罪容疑で逮捕

hit somebody with somethingで"to tell someone something interesting, exciting, or shocking"あるいは"to punish or try to harm someone by doing something that will cause problems for them"です。xx容疑で逮捕はちょっとひねった使い方ですかね。
Mr Ebisawa and a Thai co-defendant were previously hit with weapons and drug charges in April 2022.

■ senior figure | 幹部

US authorities say Mr Ebisawa - who is being held in a Brooklyn jail - is a senior figure in the Japanese organised crime syndicate, known as the Yakuza, with operations in Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Thailand and the US.

■ hold accountable those who | 責任を追及する

hold someone/thing accountableの変形。
"It is chilling to imagine the consequences had these efforts succeeded, and the justice department will hold accountable those who traffic in these materials and threaten US national security and international stability," assistant attorney general Matthew G Olden said in a statement on Wednesday.


