BBC英語ニュースmemo | 裸でドッグフード食べ生き延びた 「懸賞生活」のなすびさん、30年後に映画で話題に
オリジナルの英語BBC News
翻訳版のBBC News Japan
■ derogatory | 誹謗中傷(的な)
showing strong disapproval and not showing respect. 別の形容詞形でderogative「ばかにした」「見下す」「軽蔑する」も。
"But I found that a lot of what I had come across was almost derogatory. Nothing had really talked about Nasubi's story in depth. [I had] all these questions such as, why did he stay in there, and what effect it had on him. So I contacted him with that premise, that I wanted to make a film about his experience."
■ harbinger | 先駆的な
But despite being a harbinger of things to come, there remains relatively little awareness of A Life in Prizes, as the segment was known, outside his home turf.
■ masterminded | プロデューサーの / 黒幕の
The Contestant features new interviews with both Nasubi and the producer who masterminded the segment, Toshio Tsuchiya.
たしかに今当時の映像をみたら心がゾワゾワしそう。はたして、あの頃は本当に「なんの疑いもなく」笑っていたのだろうか? …多分、そんなことない。