BBC英語ニュースmemo | AIロボットが描いた「AIの父」の肖像画、約2億円で落札
オリジナルの英語BBC News
翻訳版のBBC News Japan
■ infamous | 悪名高い
well known for something bad; notorious. 発音は「インファマス」のような感じで「フェイ」ではないので要注意。
The scientist played a crucial role in the Allies' victory over Nazi Germany in World War Two by helping to crack codes and deciphering the infamous Enigma machine at Bletchley Park.
■ outstripping | はるかに上回る
to be or become greater in amount, degree, or success than something or someone. 「strip」はもともと「引き離す」「取り去る」という意味。
Sotheby's said the online sale, which ended at 19:00 GMT on Thursday, was bought by an undisclosed buyer for a price "far outstripping the artwork’s estimate price".
■ grapple with | 取り組む
to try hard to deal with or understand something difficult. 困難や問題に真剣に取り組むことを意味し、難しい状況や意思決定に対処する際に使用されます。
Aidan Meller, director of the Ai-Da Robot Studios, said: "This auction is an important moment for the visual arts, where Ai-Da’s artwork brings focus on artworld and societal changes, as we grapple with the rising age of AI.
どうやって書いているんだろう? 映像で観てみたいな。