BBC英語ニュースmemo | 世界幸福度ランキング、西側諸国で若者が「不幸せ」に
オリジナルの英語BBC News
翻訳版のBBC News Japan
■ divided the data by age group | 年齢層別のデータを公表
「for the first time has divided」に、「ここまで主語が離れているとitとか入れたくなるけど、入れたら文法的には誤りなんだろうか?」と疑問に思いました。どうなんでしょうか。
People under the age of 30 are experiencing the equivalent of a mid-life crisis in some parts of the world, a new report has found.
The World Happiness Report gives an annual ranking of mood across the world, and for the first time has divided the data by age group.
■ The UK rounded out the top 20 | イギリスは20位
「round out」は「仕上げる」「締めくくる」。「キリよく20位」って感じでしょうか。
In the next 10, there is more of a shift, with some Eastern Europe countries like the Czech Republic, Lithuania and Slovenia rising in happiness.
The UK rounded out the top 20, trailed by the US at 23rd, eight spots lower than last year.
■ higher perceptions in corruption | 汚職に対する認識の高さ
Young people in the US and Canada are experiencing dissatisfaction in a vast range of areas, editor of the report Dr Lara Aknin told the BBC.
"The lower happiness reported by the young (under 30) in the United States and Canada is linked with lower levels of satisfaction in social support, lower satisfaction with living conditions, greater stress and anxiety, lower trust in government and higher perceptions in corruption," she said.