BBC英語ニュースmemo | 気候変動対策で「化石燃料企業の広告を禁止すべき」=国連事務総長
オリジナルの英語BBC News
翻訳版のBBC News Japan
■ distorted the truth | 真実をねじ曲げる
UN Secretary General António Guterres called coal, oil and gas corporations the “godfathers of climate chaos” who had distorted the truth and deceived the public for decades.
■ most damning condemnation | これまでで最も厳しい非難
His remarks were his most damning condemnation yet of the industries responsible for the bulk of global warming. They came as new studies showed the rate of warming is increasing and that global heat records have continued to tumble.
■ clampdown | 取り締まる
to take strong action to stop or limit a harmful activity. 「clamp down」と分けて書かれることも。また、同じ意味で「crackdown」を使う場合も。
To try to avert this outcome, the UN Secretary General has called for more rapid political action on climate change, and a “clampdown” on the fossil fuel industry.