BBC英語ニュースmemo | 女性嫌悪、過激主義として取り扱いへ 英内務省が戦略見直し
オリジナルの英語BBC News
翻訳版のBBC News Japan
■ crack down | 取り締まる
to start dealing with bad or illegal behaviour in a more severe way. crackdownとも。onやagainstと組み合わせれて使われることが多い。
It will also "identify any gaps in existing policy which need to be addressed to crack down on those pushing harmful and hateful beliefs and violence", she said.
■ proxy | 代替
a person or thing that is acting or being used in the place of someone or something else. 「代理」「代わり」の意。
Critics might argue that some reviews are a proxy for actual action, but Labour has pointed out that there has been no new Counter Extremism Strategy since 2015, and that an assessment of new and emerging threats is overdue.
■ celibate | 禁欲主義者
not having sex, especially because you have made a religious promise not to.
For some years there has been concern around "Incel culture", an online movement of mainly young men who describe themselves as "involuntarily celibate" and blame women and "alpha males" for their problems.
何年か前から、「インセル文化」と呼ばれる、主に若い男性たちのオンライン活動が懸念されている。インセルはインボランタリー・セリベイト(Involuntary celibate、不本意の禁欲主義者)の略語で、自分たちの問題を女性や「アルファ男性(女性が魅力を感じる男性)」のせいにするインターネット上の男性グループを指す。