
サウンドオブナイトメアで英語学習【英語】Chapter1 session5

サウンドオブナイトメア~the sounds of nightmares~






CHAPTER1 ~the workers in the walls~

session5-1The Shadows

[NOONE] Turning from the hole, I spotted an exit on the far wall. That's where the clinking was the loudest. I started towards it when a shadow ran out from the corner. That of a child. I shouted. "Hey, where are we?" But quiet as a mouse. He climbed through the pulsing exit. Carelessly I followed. The room over was bigger and the child was gone. All over the walls and floors were more pulsing passages, like living Ant tunnels. All kinds of springs laid about, and they took oil cans and strange tools.
Suddenly, footsteps approaching, matching the rhythm of the clinking, knowing I didn't belong I hid behind a wooden box. Peeking up, I saw other small shadows entering the room. They stepped by each other silently. Most passed into different doors, but two stayed behind, searching through the springs. They were not children, not at all. Even in dim light they remain shadows, things not quite there as if forgotten, not wanting to be seen. They held nasty tools, and their empty faces showed they weren't very bright.
Both stood, looked down the passageway and jumped. With nowhere to go I did the same, climbing to the platform below I finally saw was making all that noise.
Golden spinning wheels, fat ones, small ones, skinny ones. And they went down so deep I couldn't see the end. I didn't know what they were until that far away feeling came back and told me. They were gears with teeth which locked perfectly into one another, clicking on and on the song. That never stopped. There were hundred hundred of the dull little shadows working to keep the mechanisms going. It felt without their doing the gears would surely stop and the giant would break apart stone by stone.

・all over:全体を覆う
・all over:至る所に

l4. all overは様々な意味が含まれています。
 ・もう一度、やり直して(all over again)
 ・(人に)暖かく接して(be all over)
 ・(人を)非難して、攻撃して(be all over)
 ・〜を支配して(be all over it)
 ・(人と)すごくいちゃついている(be all over 人)

l10. Most passed into different doors, but two stayed behind, searching through the springs. ここでの’through’は‘くまなく’や‘〜の中を細かく探す’というニュアンスが含まれています。

l12.  things not quite there as if forgottenここでのnotはquite there‘完全にある’を否定しているので‘存在はしているけど、はっきりとあるわけではない‘という意味になり、‘as if〜’で‘まるで〜のように’という意味で、‘forgotten’=‘忘れられた’状態を示す過去分詞にかかってます=“まるで忘れられたように”。

l16. With nowhere to go I did the same, ここでの’with’は‘〜な状態’という使い方をしており、’nowhere to go’=’どこも行くところがない’状態であることを示します。


But as I leaned over, the edge distracted my foot must is not to wrench.
All the shadows stared up and a few began climbing my way. They moved separately, but there's one. I panicked and tucked between a set of levers in the tight space, my dress got caught on the tooth. Massive gear pulled me up and around until my dress tore, shooting me onto a pipe below where I lost my grip only to hit another platform.
The shadows stopped chasing me, working again as the yanked at the piece of my dress, now stuck between two gears, causing all the others to slow. while they were bothered, I took the chance to escape.
The wall in front of me went, went down and around forever and ever, along with the mechanisms. I grabbed them to a rod sliding on when a big creekgroaned above and the gears went right back to singing their song.
The ripped fabric floated down before me, passing by a tiny crack in the stone. Painful cries came through it. I shouldn't have wanted to know what was on the other side, but... I did.
A small room with chains covering the floor and three identicalnun like dresses, freshly pressed, hanging by a bed. Then the chains jangled and my heart stopped, the frail body slumped against the wall, the chain around his neck. He was right in front of me, breathing hard. That's what I remember most, the awful smell, like when sausage goes bad.
[OTTO] Hold on a minute Noone.

・only to:結局~するだけだった
・ went right back:すぐ戻った
・pass by:〜を経過する、〜を通り抜ける
・freshly pressed:アイロンをかけたばかり

l1. the edge distracted my foot must is not to wrench. 実際にNooneはこのように発言していますがmustとisが同時に使われることは文法的には好ましくありません。しかし、まだ子供の発言ということを考慮すると正確な英文法でないことも納得いきますよね(子供らしさが垣間見えますね)。もし、修正するならI must not be wrench my footなどがわかりやすいです。

l3. but there’s one. この一言は‘皆それぞれバラバラに動いていたけど、一人だけ違ったわ’という、他とは違う一人に対する脅威の感覚の暗示です.

l4.  Massive gear pulled me up and around/ until my dress tore,/ shooting me onto a pipe below/ where I lost my grip only to hit another platform. このような長い文章も一つずつひも解くことで理解しやすくなります。‘/’の部分で分けて考えます。
・Massive gear pulled me up and around:ここでの’around’は‘回転させる’という意味です.そのため歯車がただ引き上げているのではなく、その回転運動に巻き込まれるようにして引き上げられているイメージです.
・until my dress tore:‘until’は‘〜まで’とい接続詞として使われている.なので‘私のドレスが引き裂かれるまで’という意味.
・shooting me onto a pipe below:ここでの‘below’は前置詞ではなく副詞として使われているため後ろからpipeを修飾している.その為、‘pipe below’で‘下にあるパイプ’という意味になる.
・where I lost my grip only to hit another platform.:でのwhereはpipe belowを説明するための関係副詞です.そして、‘only to’は‘結局〜するだけだった’というニュアンスがあるため、only to hit another platformで‘プラットフォームにぶつかるだけだった’となります.

l8. causing all the others to slow. cause + O + to Vで‘OをVさせる’という形になり、causing(現在分詞)で‘〜して(その結果)’という意味になる。そのため、この文章は“全ての他のもの(ギア)を遅くさせた(結果)”となる。

l10.  The wall in front of me went, went down and around forever and ever, 初めの‘went’は壁が動き出したことを暗示する動詞になります。これを感じることができるのはその後の‘along with the mechanisms. ’=‘仕掛けとともに’という一文で仕掛けによって壁が動いたことが理解でき、went douwn、went around(下に降りて、ぐるっと回って)=‘動いた’と捉えることができるからです。

l21. Hold on a minute Noone. ‘hold on’=‘待って’という意味になります。それに‘a minute’=‘ちょっと’で‘ちょっと待って’という日常会話で使われる言葉になります。


This episode was written by Lonnie Nadler.
Our showrunner is Lonnie Nadler and the series is directed by Thomas Rozès.
Production supervised by Alizée Debart and Lucille Rousseau-Garcia.
This series is based on Little Nightmares from Bandai Namco Europe.

Bandai Namco Europe


