
コストコのちぎりパン/Copycat Costco Dinner Rolls



小麦粉 4カップ

ドライイースト 1パック(7g)

牛乳 1カップ

砂糖 1/3カップ

バター 1/3カップ(約30g強)

塩 小さじ1/2

卵 2つ(といておく)

小麦粉 打ち粉用少々











Copycat Costco Dinner Rolls

1. Put 2 cups of flour and dry yeast in a large bowl and mix well. Keep the remaining 2 cups in a container.

2. Put milk, sugar, butter, and salt in a small saucepan and heat to a little warmer than body temperature. When the butter melts, it's about that temperature.

3. Add the milk mixture to the dry mixture, add the beaten egg, and stir well. Stir for about 3 minutes.

4. Divide the remaining 2 cups of flour into 3 portions. Then put the divided flour into the mixture one by one, Stir with a spatula.

5. After mixing well, knead well on a floured cooking table.

6. Place the kneaded dough in a lightly oiled bowl, cover it with a lid and lay it in a warm place. I put it in hot water in the sink of the bathroom and let it rise.

7. When it rises twice the size, it takes about an hour. Then put the dough on a floured cooking table and knead it.

8. First divide the dough into two equal parts, then divide it into three equal parts, again divide it into two equal parts, and divide it into two equal parts to make 24 roll doughs. I divided it into 12 equal parts. Roll it into round pieces, put the rolled 24 or 12 pieces in a baking pan that is oiled and lightly dusted with flour. And cover with a kitchen towel, let them rise in a warm place for another 30 minutes.

9. I made 12 pieces, so I put 4 pieces in 3 rows on a 9 inch x 9 inch baking pan.

Bake in an oven warmed to 10.375F (190c) for 15 minutes.
