シバナンダヨガ指導員養成コース(TTC:Sivananda Yoga Teachers' Training Course)
私がインドで終了したシバナンダヨガ指導員養成コース(TTC :Sivananda Yoga Advanced Teachers' Training Course)の講義で使われた教本の要約をしました。TTCで習う内容の概要が分かります。
Sivananda Yoga Teachers' Training Course (TTC)
Health is wealth. Peace of mind is the happiness. Yoga shows the way. (TTC)
Brahman is real. The universe is unreal. Brahman and Atman are One. (Shankaracharya)
Serve, Love, Give, Purify, Meditate, Realize (Swami Sivananda)
Bear Insult, Bear Injury, Highest Sadhana (Swami Sivananda)
<Swami Sivananda>
He was a doctor to save the poor in Malaysia.After that, he felt it was not enough. So he started to practice yoga in Rishikesh.He found Sivananda Ashram, the Divine Life Society.He wrote over 200 books. He had disciples around the world.
<Swami Vishnu-Vevananda>
He was in the army. He was the first professor of hatha yoga.He found a lot of Ashrams to provide Yoga Vacation for people.He found the TWO (True World Order).
<TWO (True World Order)>
Promoting world peace
To make leaders to start TTC
<The Five Points of Yoga>
1.Proper Breathing (Pranayama)
2.Proper Diet (Vegetarian)
3.Proper Exercise (Asana)
4.Proper Relaxation (Savasana)
5.Positive Thinking & Meditation
<Lesson1.The Mind of the Aspirant>
True spiritual life is often quite different from what the individual fondly imagines it to be.It is best to begin the life of sadhana with an open mind.Begin to doubt or dislike his/her conduct, is the most awful and colossal error.The mind will create many ideas of duty. You have different duties at different times.But to do sadhana for self-realization is the most important and urgent duty.
Q.What are the 3 main obstacles that any spiritual aspirant encounters at the beginning of his path?
1.Prejudice(Not Open-mind)
2.Doubt or Dislike Gurus
3.We have different duties at different times.
Q.Sometimes aspirants think that after starting sadhana they feel worse than before. Why is that?
It was the commencement of sadhana that started all the trouble.Sadhana implies imposing certain restrictions upon yourself.
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