

Protest statement at the protest rally in front of the U.S. Embassy calling for the immediate resignation of U.S. Ambassador to Japan Rahm Emanuel (August 15, 2024)
United States Ambassador to Japan Rahm Emanuel refused to attend a peace ceremony in Nagasaki on August 9, 2024. He did so because the mayor of Nagasaki had not invited the Israeli ambassador to the same event.

The American atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki were acts of genocide, war crimes nearly without parallel in the annals of human history.

Today, Israel carries out retaliatory attacks against the Palestinian territory of Gaza, reprisals entirely beyond all bounds of proportionality. Those attacks constitute genocide against the Palestinians. South Africa has charged Israel with genocide in the International Court of Justice over the latter’s attacks in Gaza.

Ambassador Emanuel, however, refused to attend the Nagasaki peace ceremony, a move calculated to provide cover for Israel’s war crimes. Emanuel did this despite his being the representative of the aggressor nation which committed genocide against Japan. Emanuel’s actions display toward Japan a lack of decorum befitting the delegate of a foreign nation. Emanuel’s unforgivable actions also run directly counter to the feelings of the Japanese people, who desire peace.

Ambassador Emanuel has long exhibited the arrogance of a governor-general of a colonial outpost, inciting the anger of many in Japan. In 2023, on the occasion of the passing of LGBT-related legislation in the Japanese Diet, Ambassador Emanuel made no effort to conceal his interference in the internal political workings of Prime Minister Kishida Fumio’s administration.

Now, too, Emanuel conducts, openly, and in our sovereign nation, political acts in support of Israel and its vengeful aggression against Palestine. It seems as though Emanuel is also pressuring the Kishida administration in this regard.

When the LGBT legislation was passed last year, Ambassador Emanuel said that Japan was still in the process of evolving. The American atomic bomb attacks against Japan were rooted in racist contempt for Japanese people as yellow monkeys. Ambassador Emanuel’s way of thinking is identical to that of those who attacked Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
There is a distinct and palpable absence on Ambassador Emanuel’s part of any feeling of remorse for the war crime of atomic attacks, and of any sentiment of mourning or sorrow for those attacks’ victims.

We the people of Japan do not want to be controlled by or subservient to the United States. We seek, rather, an equal relationship of true independence, with mutual respect for one another’s culture and sovereignty. We reject, resolutely, arrogant ambassadors such as Rahm Emanuel, who trample on their host country’s culture while infringing on its sovereignty and conducting themselves like colonial governors-general.

Some media outlets are reporting that Ambassador Emanuel will step down in November. Should Emanuel leave his outrageous offenses in their unsettled state and go back to America in pursuit of high office in the Democrat Party, this would but invite more internal interference in Japan’s politics, and might adversely affect the Japan-US relationship. Therefore, the Japanese government must immediately declare Rahm Emanuel persona non grata in accordance with the Vienna Convention, and expel him as such. The Japanese government must also issue a stern warning to the US government never to send such an unfit ambassador as Emanuel to Japan again.

For the above reasons, we register our sincere and indignant protest over Ambassador Emanuel’s refusal to attend the Nagasaki peace ceremony, we strongly demand an apology from the United States for the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and we insist that Rahm Emanuel be relieved of his duties immediately, without waiting until November, and that he be sent home without delay.

