
HSY Day29 夢の町ふたたび A town in my dreams again 夢中的城市再次

(The English text is below. 中文文本如下。)
今日の中国語 Today’s Chinese : 越過邊界 = cross a border

朝のGaga Online Classは、いつものカリフォルニアのお兄さん。トム・クルーズ似のイケメンである。朝のファシリテーターがこの人だと、スッキリ身体が目覚める。アメリカは夜だろうけど。


何日か前のみのりさんの日記に、夢の町の話が出ていた。夫婦が似ていくとはこういうことなんだろうか。わたしもずっと夢の町のことが気になっていて、前にマニラで上演した『Woman In A Port』でも少し触れている。「Day17」にも書いたように、わたしは夜そこをうろついていることが多い。けれども夜だけではない。なんとなく今とてもこの夢の町が気になっている。現実の町に行けないせいだろうか。研究してみようかな。でもどうやって?(ち)

In the morning, the facilitator of Gaga Online Class is the usual guy in California. He is handsome guy like Tom Cruise. When he is the facilitator in the morning, my body refreshes. America was in the night, though.

In a dream, a theater director performed for the first time in two years. The venue is on a bridge somewhere... it’s not so like typical Japan, but the mountains and river was beautiful. There was a spiral staircase, children were watching the performance from there. The bridge also seemed to have a function as a border gate. I was trying to cross the border.

A few days ago, Minori wrote about a town in her dream. A couple becomes similar by such a way. I've always been feeling about a town in my dreams, and I touched it a bit in "Woman In A Port," which I performed in Manila before. As I wrote in "Day 17", I often wander around there at night. But actually not only at night. Somehow I'm really interested in this town in my dreams. It might be because I cannot go to any real towns now. Should I research it? But how? (C)

早上,Gaga在線課程的指導老師是一位年輕的加利福尼亞男子。Tom Cruise這樣的帥哥。如果這個人是早上的老師,我的身體就會恢復活力。但在美國這是夜晚。


幾天前,Minori寫了一個城市在她的夢中。通過這種方式,一對變得相似。我一直對夢想中的城市感到好奇,我在之前在馬尼拉演出的《港口女人》中碰到了它。正如我在 “第17天” 中所寫的那樣,我經常在晚上到那裡閒逛。但實際上不僅在晚上。我夢中對這個城市真的很感興趣。可能是因為我現在不能去任何真正的城市。我應該研究嗎? 但是如何? (力)
