05 Composing My Posts
構成について: まず、どう翻訳されるかを意識して英語で書きます。つまり、日本語に訳しやすいように英語で書くこともある。Google TranslateやDeepLというサイトを使い、日本人の友人と日本語を確認します。私の目標は、完璧な日本語でなくても、自分にとって自然な日本語で記事を書くことだ。
I would like to describe this blog in terms of my objectives and writing process.
I have worked in the food and agricultural industries since the 1980s. I taught management courses at a university for a dozen years, developing an interest in business storytelling and the concept of authenticity.
I hope my perspectives will be interesting and maybe useful. My approach isn’t theoretical, so I probably will not reference Kierkegaard nor Heidegger. However, if I discover that Kierkegaard wrote about genuine sushi or Heidegger described an authentic Irish pub, then I will certainly quote them in detail.
Whenever possible I will include sources in my posts. When I write articles, I consult articles I’ve collected over the years as well as materials I’ve used in classes and seminars.
Authenticity can be translated into Japanese with a few words, and I’ll use them interchangeably: オーセンティシティ、真正性、本らしさ.
As this is a personal blog I’ll reference some personal experiences, and I hope they are helpful in describing some ideas.
Regarding composition: I first write these in English with a mind towards how they can be translated. That means that I sometimes write in English in a way that I think will translate easily into Japanese. I use the websites Google Translate and DeepL, then I review the Japanese with a Japanese friend. My goal is to produce an article in Japanese that feels natural to me – even if it is not perfect Japanese.
I will include both language versions. I hope my blog can be helpful to people interested in authenticity, and anyone with an interest in either Japanese or English.
About vocabulary lists. After each article I will include a list of vocabulary words in order of their appearance in the Japanese version. Hiragana is included to help students of Japanese language. These will not be complete lists, just some words. If a word was included in an earlier post it may not be listed in later vocabulary lists.
Grammar Highlight
I hope ( ) is useful = ( ) が役に立つことを願っている
Ex. I hope this book is useful.
執筆 しっぴつ writing
過程 かてい process
講義 こうぎ lecture
担当 たんとう being in charge; responsible for
視点 してん perspective
願っている ねがっている hope
述べて のべて express; mention
詳しく くわしく in detail
引用 いんよう quote/quotation
投稿 とうこう post
情報源 じょうほうげん source of information
収集 しゅうしゅう collect
資料 しりょう materials
参考 さんこう reference
訳す やくす translate
構成 こうせい composition; construction
翻訳 ほんやく translation
完璧 かんぺき perfect
言語版 げんごばん language versions
掲載 けいさい publication
用語集 ようごしゅう vocabulary
出現順 しゅつげん appearance