NFCI vs. SPX 月次収益率 with VIX &CLI png facet
VIXを利用して分類した場合 facet_wrap 使用
TERM <- "2007::2024-01"
w <- data.frame(fci=(diff(to.monthly(NFCI)[,4]))[TERM],spx=(monthlyReturn(GSPC))[TERM])
cbind(w,apply.monthly(VIX[,4],mean,na.rm=T)[TERM]) -> w
colnames(w) <- c('nfci','spx','vix')
# cut(w$vix,breaks=c(max(w$vix),30,25,20,15,min(w$vix)),labels=c('a','b','c','d','e'),include.lowest = T)
data.frame(w,v=cut(w$vix,breaks=c(max(w$vix),20,min(w$vix)),labels=c('a','b'),include.lowest = T)) ->w
w$v <- factor(w$v,levels=c('b','a'))
df <- w
p <- ggplot(df, aes(x=nfci,y=spx,color=v))
# head(w)
p <- p + geom_point(alpha=0.9) + facet_wrap(. ~ v, ncol=1)
# palette must be used with brewer.
p <- p + scale_color_brewer(name='vix monthly avg.',label=c('equal or more than 20','less than 20'))
# p <- p + scale_color_discrete(name='vix monthly avg.',label=c('more than 30','between 30 and 25','between 25 and 20','between 20 and 15','less than 15'))
p <- p + theme_dark(base_family = "HiraKakuPro-W3")
p <- p + stat_smooth(method = lm, formula = y ~ x,se=F,size=0.5,color='white')
p <- p + geom_vline(xintercept=(last(diff(NFCI,4))), colour="white",size=0.4,alpha=0.5)
p <- p + geom_hline(yintercept=(monthlyReturn(GSPC) %>% last()), colour="white",size=0.4,alpha=0.5)
p <- p + geom_hline(yintercept=(last(GSPC,20)[20,4]/as.vector(last(GSPC,20)[1,1])- 1), colour="red",size=0.4,alpha=0.5)
p <- p + geom_vline(xintercept=0.042196, colour="red",size=0.4,alpha=0.5)
p <- p + xlab("Financial Condition monthly change") + ylab("SPX monthly return")
vix < 20以下の場合
vix < 20 の月を抜き出して回帰分析を行う。結果は以下の通り。これによりvix < 20以下の月で期待収益率=0が想定される時のnfciの値を得られる。
vix > 20以上の場合
グラフ facet_wrapを使用した場合
ソースコード facet_gridを使用した場合
TERM <- "2007::2024-01"
w <- data.frame(fci=(diff(to.monthly(NFCI)[,4]))[TERM],spx=(monthlyReturn(GSPC))[TERM])
cbind(w,apply.monthly(VIX[,4],mean,na.rm=T)[TERM]) -> w
colnames(w) <- c('nfci','spx','vix')
# cut(w$vix,breaks=c(max(w$vix),30,25,20,15,min(w$vix)),labels=c('a','b','c','d','e'),include.lowest = T)
data.frame(w,v=cut(w$vix,breaks=c(max(w$vix),20,min(w$vix)),labels=c('a','b'),include.lowest = T)) ->w
w$v <- factor(w$v,levels=c('b','a'))
df <- w
p <- ggplot(df, aes(x=nfci,y=spx,color=v))
# head(w)
p <- p + geom_point(alpha=0.9) + facet_grid(. ~ v, margins=TRUE)
# p <- p + geom_point(alpha=0.9) + facet_wrap(. ~ v, ncol=1)
# palette must be used with brewer.
p <- p + scale_color_brewer(name='vix monthly avg.',label=c('equal or more than 20','less than 20','all'),palette='Set1')
# p <- p + scale_color_discrete(name='vix monthly avg.',label=c('more than 30','between 30 and 25','between 25 and 20','between 20 and 15','less than 15'))
p <- p + theme_dark(base_family = "HiraKakuPro-W3")
p <- p + stat_smooth(method = lm, formula = y ~ x,se=F,size=0.5,color='white')
p <- p + geom_vline(xintercept=(last(diff(NFCI,4))), colour="white",size=0.4,alpha=0.5)
p <- p + geom_hline(yintercept=(monthlyReturn(GSPC) %>% last()), colour="white",size=0.4,alpha=0.5)
p <- p + geom_hline(yintercept=(last(GSPC,20)[20,4]/as.vector(last(GSPC,20)[1,1])- 1), colour="red",size=0.4,alpha=0.5)
p <- p + geom_vline(xintercept=0.042196, colour="red",size=0.4,alpha=0.5)
p <- p + xlab("Financial Condition monthly change") + ylab("SPX monthly return")
png("~/Dropbox/R-script/covid/w.png", width = 1200, height = 1000)
グラフ facet_grid
VIX 及びCLIを利用して分類した場合
ソースコード facet_grid 使用
TERM <- "2007::2024-01"
w <- data.frame(fci=(diff(to.monthly(NFCI)[,4]))[TERM],spx=(monthlyReturn(GSPC))[TERM])
cbind(w,apply.monthly(VIX[,4],mean,na.rm=T)[TERM]) -> w
colnames(w) <- c('nfci','spx','vix')
cbind(w,cli=diff(cli_g20)[TERM]) -> w
# cut(w$vix,breaks=c(max(w$vix),30,25,20,15,min(w$vix)),labels=c('a','b','c','d','e'),include.lowest = T)
data.frame(w,v=cut(w$vix,breaks=c(max(w$vix),20,min(w$vix)),labels=c('a','b'),include.lowest = T)) ->w
data.frame(w,c=cut(w$cli,breaks=c(max(w$cli),0,min(w$cli)),labels=c('negative','positive'),include.lowest = T)) ->w
w$v <- factor(w$v,levels=c('b','a'))
w$c <- factor(w$c,levels=c('positive','negative'))
df <- w
p <- ggplot(df, aes(x=nfci,y=spx,color=v))
# head(w)
p <- p + geom_point(alpha=0.9) + facet_grid(c ~ v)
# palette must be used with brewer.
p <- p + scale_color_brewer(name='vix monthly avg.',label=c('equal or more than 20','less than 20'),palette='Set1')
# p <- p + scale_color_discrete(name='vix monthly avg.',label=c('more than 30','between 30 and 25','between 25 and 20','between 20 and 15','less than 15'))
p <- p + theme_dark(base_family = "HiraKakuPro-W3")
p <- p + stat_smooth(method = lm, formula = y ~ x,se=F,size=0.5,color='white')
p <- p + geom_vline(xintercept=(last(diff(NFCI,4))), colour="white",size=0.4,alpha=0.5)
p <- p + geom_hline(yintercept=(monthlyReturn(GSPC) %>% last()), colour="white",size=0.4,alpha=0.5)
p <- p + geom_hline(yintercept=(last(GSPC,20)[20,4]/as.vector(last(GSPC,20)[1,1])- 1), colour="red",size=0.4,alpha=0.5)
p <- p + geom_vline(xintercept=0.042196, colour="red",size=0.4,alpha=0.5)
p <- p + xlab("Financial Condition monthly change") + ylab("SPX monthly return")
png("~/Dropbox/R-script/covid/w.png", width = 1200, height = 1000)
回帰分析 VIX<20の場合にCLIがプラス・マイナスの場合をそれぞれ