Preeti Singh
Preeti Singh has over a decade of experience in technical writing; covers technology, the internet, cybersecurity, mobile safety, etc.
Knowing These 5 Tips Will Make Your Kids Safe on Internet Browsing
The internet is a massive and rich resource for anyone who wants to learn something new, especially for kids, who are often even more eager and curious about things. Now that modern technology has allowed almost every house to accommodate d
Computer Freezes When Playing Games in Windows 10 - Things to Know
As advanced as Windows 10 is, it has its downsides. You probably know this if you play video games on your PC operating with this OS. Initially, low graphic games or the ones occupying less space might run smoothly on your Windows 10. But
How to Prevent a Website from Automatically Downloading .exe File
Are you wondering how to prevent or block websites from automatically downloading files? Well, there are many legitimate reasons why one would want to prevent downloading files, especially .exe files. Few malicious sites or programs automa