◆Reintegration for former child soldiers in Uganda
「Global Giving」を通じた寄付は、アメリカ、イギリスでは、税控除の対象となります。(Global Givingによる領収書発行です。)
Currently, we are starting to raise funds for our project “Reintegration for Former Child Soldiers in Uganda”! Since 2005 we have supported former child soldiers who have a number of difficulties to be reintegrated into a society so that they can be self-reliant.
We have mainly fund-raised in Japan so far, and from now on we will be trying to raise funds from overseas. In doing so, we use “GlobalGiving”, a crowdfunding platform, which enables us to reach more people abroad. Donations through "GlobalGiving" are considered tax deductible in the United States and United Kingdom.
◆Reintegration for former child soldiers in Uganda https://www.globalgiving.org/projects/reintegration-for-former-child-soldiers-in-uganda/
We are trying to raise $10,000 by 30th September 2020, so we would appreciate it very much if you could contribute.
You can find our project page describing the details on GlobalGiving site here.
Thank you for your continued support.
Stay safe and healthy.
- Terra Renaissance -