Proposals that work
I couldn't find a specific book titled "ProposalsThat Work." If you have more details about the book, such as the author's name or the subject matter, it would help me in locating the correct information. Alternatively, if you're referring to a general guide or methodology for creating effective proposals (not necessarily a book), I can provide guidance on that as well. Let me know how I can assist you further!
proposals that work by Locke
"Proposals That Work: A Guide for Planning Dissertations and Grant Proposals" is a comprehensive guidebook co-authored by Lawrence F. Locke, Waneen Wyrick Spirduso, and Stephen J. Silverman. The book is tailored for students and professionals preparing proposals for dissertations and grants. It encompasses all aspects of proposal writing, from basic questions about form and style to seeking funding. The sixth edition of the book, updated in April 2013, includes discussions on the effects of new technologies and the Internet on the proposal process, sections on alternative proposal formats, increased focus on mixed methods research, and new sample proposals. It's recognized as a clear, straightforward, and essential resource for those embarking on academic and research proposal writing. For more information, you can visit SAGE Publications here.
"Proposals That Work: A Guide for Planning Dissertations and Grant Proposals"は、ローレンス・F・ロック、ウェイン・ワイリック・スピルドゥーソ、スティーブン・J・シルバーマンによって共同執筆された、論文や助成金の提案書を作成する学生や専門家のための包括的なガイドブックです。この本は、形式やスタイルに関する基本的な質問から資金調達の探求まで、提案書作成のあらゆる側面をカバーしています。2013年4月に更新された第6版では、提案プロセスにおける新技術とインターネットの影響、代替提案フォーマットのセクション、混合方法研究に対するより重点的な焦点、新しいサンプル提案などが含まれています。詳細については、SAGE Publicationsのウェブサイトをご覧ください。SAGE Publications。
この本の概略を説明してください、と聞いて暫くやり取りをしたが、あまりいい提案がなかったので、こちらからProposals that Workから項目を並べた。
1: introducing the study
2: starting the purpose,
3: providing a ratinale,
4: formulating Questionings
5: Delimitations and Limitations,
6: providing definitions, discssing the Backgrond of the problem 7:Explanating procedures
8: providing supplemtary materials are the things I like ask you to tutor.
Sure, I can guide you through each of these steps for writing your research proposal:
Introducing the Study: Start by setting the stage for your research. Introduce the general topic, present the specific problem or issue your research will address, and explain why this study is important.
Stating the Purpose: Clearly articulate the primary goal of your research. What are you aiming to discover, prove, or analyze?
Providing a Rationale: Justify the need for your study. Explain how it fills gaps in existing research or addresses a specific problem or question.
Formulating Questions: Develop clear, focused research questions that your study aims to answer. These should be specific and researchable.
Delimitations and Limitations: Outline the scope of your study, specifying what you will and will not include. Acknowledge any limitations that might impact your research.
Providing Definitions: Define any key terms or concepts that are central to your research. This ensures clarity and helps avoid misunderstandings.
Discussing the Background of the Problem: Go into more detail about the issue your research is addressing. Provide historical context, current relevance, and its significance in your field.
Explaining Procedures: Describe the methodology of your research. Include your approach to data collection, analysis, and any tools or techniques you will use.
Providing Supplementary Materials: If applicable, include any additional documents that support your proposal. This could be preliminary data, references, or detailed methodology.
As you work through these steps, focus on clarity, coherence, and conciseness. Your proposal should clearly convey your research plan and its significance. If you have specific questions or need more detailed advice on any of these steps, feel free to ask!
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Based on your provided draft and the framework you're interested in, here's a structured draft for your research proposal:
Title: AI LearnCraft: Enhancing Educational Engagement through AI-Driven Interactive Learning
1. Introduction This research examines the transformative impact of educational technology, focusing on the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in learning environments. It highlights the shift from traditional educational tools to advanced AI applications, offering personalized learning experiences and increased educational engagement.
2. Purpose of the Study The primary objective is to explore how AI technology, embedded within an interactive learning environment like "AI LearnCraft," can significantly improve educational engagement. This study aims to develop, implement, and evaluate the effectiveness of AI LearnCraft in providing customized learning support.
3. Rationale With the rapid advancement of AI in education, there is a growing need to move beyond conventional educational paradigms. This research addresses this gap by proposing a novel computer education framework that leverages AI for personalized and engaging learning experiences.
4. Research Questions
How does AI LearnCraft impact the level of educational engagement among learners?
In what ways does personalized AI support contribute to the learning process?
5. Delimitations and Limitations The study focuses specifically on the AI LearnCraft model and its application in a controlled educational setting. It acknowledges the potential limitations in generalizability due to the unique nature of AI-driven learning environments.
6. Definitions Key terms such as "Educational Engagement," "AI in Education," and "Personalized Learning" will be defined to establish a clear understanding of the study’s framework.
7. Background This section will delve into the evolution of AI in education, contrasting traditional tools with AI-driven approaches. It will highlight the necessity for interactive and personalized learning environments in modern education.
8. Methodology The research will employ a mixed-methods approach, combining qualitative and quantitative data collection techniques. This includes the development and testing of the AI LearnCraft framework, along with surveys and interviews for feedback.
9. Supplementary Materials Supporting documents, such as preliminary data, detailed descriptions of AI LearnCraft, and a review of relevant literature, will be provided.
10. Structure of the Thesis
Review of Related Work
Methodology and Design
Results and Discussion
Conclusions and Future Outlook
翻訳 AIを生成AIに変えておいた。
タイトル: 生成AI LearnCraft: 生成AIによる対話型学習を通じた教育参加の強化
研究の目的:「生成AI LearnCraft」というインタラクティブな学習環境に組み込まれた生成AI技術が、教育参加をどう改善するかを探ることです。この研究は、カスタマイズされた学習サポートを提供する生成AI LearnCraftの開発、実装、効果の評価を目指します。
研究質問:生成AI LearnCraftは学習者の教育参加レベルにどのような影響を与えるか?個別化された生成AIサポートは学習プロセスにどのように貢献するか?
範囲と制限:この研究は生成AI LearnCraftモデルとその制御された教育環境での適用に特に焦点を当てています。生成AI駆動の学習環境の特有の性質による一般化の潜在的な限界を認識しています。
方法論:質的および量的データ収集技術を組み合わせた混合方法アプローチを採用します。これには生成AI LearnCraftフレームワークの開発とテスト、並びにフィードバックのための調査とインタビューが含まれます。
補足資料:予備データ、生成AI LearnCraftの詳細な説明、関連文献のレビューなどの支援文書が提供されます。
さて、ここで一つ研究プロポーザルについての基本的な考えを説明しておこう。なぜプロポーザルを書くのか?Locke達は博士課程の学生と指導教授および資金提供者との確認事項であり、計画の提示であり、さらになにより研究者と指導教授及び資金提供者との契約であるという。この視点からすこしプロポーザルを拡張していきたい。研究資金獲得のための文書なのだ。ここを明確に書く必要がある。さらに、文章がsimplicity, clarity, そしてparsimonyが必要であるという。
簡潔性(Parsimony): 必要最小限の仮定や複雑さを用いて何かを説明する原則を指します。提案書では、最小限の複雑さでアイデアを伝えることを意味します。
単純性(Simplicity): 情報を直接的で理解しやすい方法で提示することを指します。技術的な言語や複雑な説明を避け、提案書を読みやすくすることに焦点を当てます。
明快性(Clarity): 書き込みの明瞭さと理解しやすさを強調します。明確な提案書は、研究の目的、方法論、重要性が読者に容易に理解されるものです。
bring them together into the one you wrote before
Title: AI LearnCraft: Enhancing Educational Engagement through AI-Driven Interactive Learning
Abstract: Summarizes the goal of integrating AI in educational settings to improve engagement, focusing on the AI LearnCraft model.
Introduction: Explores the transformative impact of AI in learning environments, highlighting the shift from traditional tools to AI applications for personalized learning experiences.
Rationale: Discusses the rapid advancement of AI in education and the necessity of moving beyond traditional educational paradigms, proposing the AI LearnCraft framework for enhanced, personalized learning experiences.
Research Questions:
How does AI LearnCraft impact the level of educational engagement among learners?
How does personalized AI support contribute to the learning process?
Objectives: To explore the effectiveness of AI LearnCraft in enhancing educational engagement through personalized learning.
Literature Review: Reviews the evolution of AI in education, contrasting traditional tools with AI-driven approaches and the need for interactive learning environments.
Methodology: Details the mixed-methods approach for developing, testing, and evaluating AI LearnCraft, including data collection techniques.
Expected Outcomes: Anticipates improvements in educational engagement and contributions to the field of educational technology.
Timeline: Outlines the research phases.
Budget: (If applicable) Details the budget requirements.
Conclusion: Highlights the significance and potential impact of AI LearnCraft in modern education.
References: Lists all sources cited in the proposal.
This revised structure ensures a comprehensive and well-organized proposal, covering all essential aspects of the research plan.
タイトル 生成AILearnCraf: 生成AI主導のインタラクティブ学習を通じて教育への関与を高める
概要:生成AI LearnCraftモデルを中心に、エンゲージメントを向上させるために教育現場で生成AIを統合する目標を要約する。
始めに: 学習環境における生成AIの変革的影響について探求し、従来のツールからパーソナライズされた学習体験のための生成AIアプリケーションへのシフトを強調する。
理由 rationale : 教育における生成AIの急速な進歩と、伝統的な教育パラダイムを超える必要性について論じ、強化されたパーソナライズされた学習体験のための生成AI LearnCraftフレームワークを提案する。
研究課題: Research questions:
1) 生成AI LearnCrafは学習者の教育的エンゲージメントのレベルにどのような影響を与えるのか?
2) パーソナライズされた生成AIサポートは学習プロセスにどのように貢献するか?
目的: パーソナライズされた学習を通じて教育的エンゲージメントを高める生成AI LearnCraftの有効性を探る。
文献レビュー: 教育における生成AIの進化をレビューし、従来のツールと生成AI主導のアプローチを対比し、インタラクティブな学習環境の必要性を論じる。
方法論: 生成AILearnCrafを開発、テスト、評価するための、データ収集テクニックを含む混合手法のアプローチについて詳述する。
期待される成果: 教育的関与の改善と教育技術分野への貢献が期待される。
スケジュール: 研究フェーズを概説する。
予算: (該当する場合)必要な予算を詳述する。
結論: 現代の教育における生成AILearnCrafの意義と潜在的な影響を強調する。
参考文献: 提案書で引用したすべての情報源を列挙する。