

先日、スティーヴン・キングのある小説の邦訳がけっこうダメだった、という記事を書いたのですが、その過程で気になったことがあったので ChatGPT に尋ねてみたところ、わりと面白かったので小ネタとして書いておきます。

文脈は、スティーヴン・キングの中篇「マンハッタンの奇譚クラブ」(原題:The Breathing Method、新潮文庫『スタンド・バイ・ミー 恐怖の四季 秋冬編』所収)の冒頭の会話文です。



'Your Christmas spirit,' I said, 'is stunning in its width and depth.'

というセリフが出てきます。これは表面的にはタクシー運転手のクリスマス精神(つまり寛容さや思いやり、助けあいといった精神)を褒めているのですが、当然これは極端な「自業自得」論を展開するタクシー運転手への皮肉として発言されているものです。これを ChatGPT はどう解釈するだろうか? と思って尋ねてみたやりとりがこれ:

Tell me the meaning of "Your Christmas spirit,' I said, 'is stunning in its width and depth" in following text. This is from Stephen Kings' "Breathing Method":

At the corner of 3rd and Fortieth, a large tinsel Christmas bell went floating through the intersection like a spirit. 'Bad night,' the cabbie said. "They'll have an extra two dozen in the morgue tomorrow. Wino Popsicles. Plus a few bag-lady Popsicles.'
'I suppose.'
The cabbie ruminated. 'Well, good riddance,' he said finally. 'Less welfare, right?'
'Your Christmas spirit,' I said, 'is stunning in its width and depth.'
The cabbie ruminated. 'You one of those bleeding-heart liberals?' he asked finally.
'I refuse to answer on the grounds that my answer might tend to incriminate me,' I said.

In this excerpt from Stephen King's "Breathing Method," the phrase "Your Christmas spirit," I said, "is stunning in its width and depth," is a sarcastic remark. The context is important to understand its meaning. The cabbie makes a callous comment about the expected increase in deaths among homeless people (referred to derogatorily as "Wino Popsicles" and "bag-lady Popsicles") due to the harsh weather. He even suggests that their deaths might be a good thing as it would reduce welfare costs.

The narrator's response, "Your Christmas spirit is stunning in its width and depth," is laden with irony. Christmas spirit is typically associated with kindness, generosity, and compassion. However, the cabbie's attitude displays none of these qualities; instead, it reveals a lack of empathy and a cruel, utilitarian view of human life. By stating that the cabbie's Christmas spirit is "stunning in its width and depth," the narrator is effectively highlighting the shocking absence of these positive qualities in the cabbie's outlook, especially during a time of the year when they are most valued.


つまり ChatGPT(GPT4)はクリスマス精神 Christmas spirit とは何か? ということを推測したうえで、前後の会話からこのタクシー運転手にはその精神がないことを判断し、それゆえに語り手のセリフが皮肉や当て擦りであることを論理的に説明しているのですよね。


ちなみに、特殊なイディオムとかスラングも含めて ChatGPT の英文解釈は総じて優秀です(少なくとも GPT4 に英語で尋ねた場合)。ネイティブに尋ねるレベルの誤訳チェックもできます。おそらく遅かれ早かれ翻訳者や編集者が使いやすい翻訳支援ツールができてくると思います。そうなると世の中の誤訳はある程度は減ってゆくのかもしれません。

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