🩷in English୧꒰*´꒳`*꒱૭🤎
文法や表現で誤っているところがいくつかあると思われます(_ _*))🙏🏻
ある意味、これは変化球だと思います笑( ⌯₄⌯) ᐝ
What is TEP-CUP?🤔
TEPCUP is an abbreviation for "Tokyo high school English Presentation CUP".
The theme of the presentation is to introduce the charm of Tokyo.
What inspiered you to participate in the competition?
Not gonna lie,I didn't know of the presentation at all.
Actually,my English teacher recommended that I take part in the presentation.
I decided enthusiastically for some reasons.
For what reason?
One of the biggest reasons is that I've never spoken in public at such a big stage and hoped for having the opportunity like that.
(Better late than never😎)
Also,I really like giving a presentation in front of class.
Secondly,I thought that participating a presentation would become a lot of motivation to study English.
Thirdly,(like I wrote this before...) there is no next time to enter extracurricular activities in high school due to entrance exam.
What a series of real performance was like?
Firstly,I had to advance through the preliminaries[prilímənèri].
Fortunately,I could break through the preliminary round 8 out of 103 application.

I had practiced for over 3 months.
Thanks to my kind teacher's support,the practice wasn't as hard as I thought.
It was a really good time to learn many things about English and presentation.
My teacher taught me many trick ; how to become a good talker.
You can see my efforts by looking my script at a glance😉⬇️

I introduced the charm of Tokyo by becoming the guide character.
What are the difficulties that you encounter?
First of all, TEP-CUP allows students to make
a group of four or five,but I did it alone.
To use scenery photos as a presentation material,I had to visit many places and take pictures and videos there by myself.
(but it was so much fun^_^)
Also,I was jumpy at the Question-and-answer session after presentation.
Real talk,my answer was not enough lol😂
(but what's done is done)
How was your presentation?
I think it was 10 out of 10,perfect😂😂
I could bring my A-game,putting my mind to it.
TEP-CUP made me more confident about myself.
Having said that, I am so mad at the final result that I can’t receive an award no matter how hard I practiced.
But, TEP-CUP was really really really awesome!!!!!🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
Did you talk with other participant?
Of course, I did( 'ω')b
I had a blast with them.
I'm so glad at having many nice friends who is interested in English and good at speaking it .
TEP-CUP以外にも今年は学校でもたくさんのプレゼンを行い、大勢の前にたつことに慣れ、むしろ楽しい!と思えるようになれました(,,> <,,)
又、どのグループのプレゼンも本当に素晴らしく、ひとつも飽きがこないプレゼンでした!英語が好きで得意な素敵な仲間が出来て、講評会でたくさんお話できたのもとても良かったです🥳来週はその仲間とアメリカ大使館に訪問する為、そちらもとても楽しみにしています٩( ´ω` )و