
🎀#11 英語研究 | "A show of support for Ukraine"


本日はThe Economistの"A show of support for Ukraine"(1分間で読める記事)について訳していきましょう。



Amid worries of war fatigue, leaders of European and allied countries will gather at the Elysee palace in Paris on Monday for a summit on millitary aid for Ukraine. Among those due to attend are Germany's chancellor, Olaf Scholoz, and Britain's foreign minister, David Cameron. Emmanuel Macron, the French president, has argued for a "step change" in support for Ukraine. France wants better co-ordination of countries' different weapons deliveries and a discussion about how to raise more cash and produce more arms. France hopes the summit will show Russia's president, Vladimir Putin, that support for Ukraine is not flagging.

The Economist | Feb 26th 2024

【"A show of support for Ukraine"の訳】

ウクライナでの戦争による疲弊'fatigue'。左記を考慮し。ヨーロッパや同盟国ら'allied countries'のリーダーたち。彼らはパリのElysee palaceに集う(月曜日)。そして。ウクライナに対する軍事支援'military aid'について議論する。ドイツの首相'chancellor'であるOlaf Scholoz氏やブリテンの外務大臣'foreign minister'であるDacid Cameron氏が参加予定。