
とあるクリエイターの独り言 VLOG「monologue(モノローグ ) 」。第2回となる今回は「愛着のある仕事道具:ルノー カングー」について語らせていただきます。愛機カメラLUMIX S1と単焦点レンズ50mm F1.4を使って、日常の美を切り撮ります。
私のカングーは2代目のモデル。どこか愛嬌のある動物っぽさを感じるフロントフェイス。バンパーやドアハンドル、サイドモール にいたるまで、ふんだんに無塗装樹脂パーツをあしらった道具感が魅力的な車です。ルノーの本国フランスでは、フランス郵政公社「La Poste(ラ・ポスト)」ではカングーが郵便車として採用されています。それだけに二室の広さは申し分なし。営業車・移動手段として、荷物の運搬に大活躍です。

A creator's soliloquy VLOG “monologue”. In this second installment of the “monologue,” I will talk about my beloved work tool: the Renault Kangoo. Using my beloved Lumix S1 camera and a 50mm F1.4 single focal length lens, I will capture the beauty of everyday life.
My Kangoo is the second generation model. The front face has a somewhat charming, animal-like appearance. It has an attractive tool-like appearance, with plenty of unpainted plastic parts, from the bumpers and door handles to the side moldings. In Renault's home country of France, the Kangoo is used as a postal vehicle by La Poste, the French postal service. That is why its two rooms are perfectly spacious. It is very useful as a sales vehicle, a means of transportation, and for transporting luggage.
My Kangoo is a 5-speed manual transmission. It is a so-called MT car. It is fun to be able to control the car by myself. I prefer manual focus for my camera, but I also prefer manual transmission for my car. The Kangoo has no fancy decorations or luxurious features, but it is a simple and practical tool, and for me, it is the ideal car.
Photographing my car is fun. I hope you all enjoy your cars and cameras as much as I do.


よろしければサポートお願いします! いただいたサポートはクリエイターとしての活動費に使わせていただきます!