【適宜更新】 Pogostuck関連の小ネタ・興味深い情報について
本記事はポゴの公称"非公式"サーバーである実質公式なPogo Jediサーバーのpostを日本語に翻訳したものになります。確定情報ではないこと,情報は常に新しくなること,翻訳による情報正確性の低さやニュアンスの変化に留意してください。
I created this article for Japanese people who are looking forward to new information as much as I am. No offensive intent is intended, but we are always ready to remove articles, so please let us know if they should be removed.
・「ポゴの時間だ!!」が生まれた経緯・日本語である理由 + ボツ音声
のきあ — 2021/05/04
How did the audio for “Pogo no jikan da! (ポゴの時間だ)" come to be in Japanese? Has it been discussed in the past?
Superku — 2021/05/04
it has, yes. clicking play (now the menu button says Map 1: Rage With Your Friends) was rather uneventful, it lacked "oomph"
so I was like "what could I add to make this better? pretty much the only thing that came into my head was japanese arcade style games
where some voice over plays on certain actions. then I looked for japanese voice over peeps, contacted 2 of them, told them what I was looking for but they should come up with a short sentence on their own
from my message back then to the VO guys
When you start a new game in the main menu I want to play a voice over sound file which says "It's pogo time!!!" in Japanese.
Google translates that as follows:
It's pogo time!!! - それはポゴの時間です!!!
You can change/ improve the Japanese translation as you see fit. Does "pogo (stick) time" make sense in Japanese? Probably not. It's supposed to mean "It's time to jump around on pogo sticks!"
The style should be highly energetic, like in an arcade/ video game.
ボイスオーバーの方々に連絡した当時の内容 :
メインメニューでゲームを開始するときに、「It's pogo time!!!」という日本語のボイスオーバーサウンドファイルを再生したいです。
It's pogo time!!! - 「それはポゴの時間です!!!」
Superku — 2021/05/04
here's all 10 takes of the pogo no jikanda:
・MAP2 最終関門入り口でジャンプ力が強制制限される仕様について
Superku — 2021/07/07
indeed 😯 if the player position, which is the center of the top handle bar of the pogo stick, is in the following region, then jump height will be limited: https://i.gyazo.com/31b8faeae8308debf1cb9e56240dbbf7.png
namu(남우) — 2021/05/03
I failed the last jump
This is a bug.
namu(남우)「最後のジャンプ失敗した これバグじゃん?」
Superku — 2021/05/03
so close https://gyazo.com/0e0a5b4420f6511f775411384a12e8a4
Superku「(スティックの上部を赤い四角で囲み) 超惜しい」
Cheedo 🐢 — 2021/05/03
is the hitbox for the finish line in the middle of the checkerboard or the inside edge?
Superku — 2021/05/03
just looked it up. it's close to the outside edge, as visualized here by the plane (where it intersects the checkerboard model) https://i.gyazo.com/422db91007224507ff4d9db766344e46.png
結論: ゴールテープのやや外寄り(キャラクター側)にゴール判定がある。キャラクターの当たり判定はスティックの上部が基準。
sheep — 2021/04/23
what makes me lose this speed?
this happens to me every time i get far in a run and then im basically stuck to the lower section of the map
Hangook-Inn — 2021/04/23
In the second half, you lose speed sharply after taking one slopes. Therefore, the key is to take the fewest slopes.
Superku — 2021/04/23
when you do a bunch of pipe tricks you will start to slow down more and more every time you exit a pipe. you can counteract that to some degree by doing a "slowdown cancel" by jumping right after landing the trick in the pipe and leaving it (this is how it is in tony hawk games as well)
additionally, if you make a spine transfer from bigger heights downwards (that is from the left caterpillar pipe or from the tree top bee area) that slowdown with temporarily be deactivated also
reason for this is to promote you running around the map instead of staying in a pipe or a single lane
Superku — 2021/04/15
as I wrote before ages ago I originally intended to add a helping wind below 78% that guides you back to the mushroom platform if you mess up there (unless you really yeet yourself far to the left). I wanted to do that before launch but simply forgot about it, which is what made 78% (flowers) so hard or rather punishing after all. I've been thinking about adding that to the ice mode for a while now. what do you guys think?
but it would balance out the ice mode and keep it more fun instead of being semi horrible at times
JesseCarl — 2021/03/20
superku, how does the game calculate XP?
Superku — 2021/03/20
ok! XP calculation is derived from differences in your percentage progress values
JesseCarl「superku, このゲームはXPをどのように計算しているのですか?」
Superku — 2020/11/29
I'm thinking about putting light vertical wind into map 2 next to the crocodile that pushes you slightly to the left if you fall down
I did this with map 1 pre launch at cherry/ palm skip
because it was annoying to hit the cherry at the wrong spot after coming from moyai above
the wind then could (not necessarily will) stop you from falling into the gap between pillar and bricks when you're coming from above:
I just playtested it a bit and tweaked it. it's so good
should have always been that way
helps you on big falls as much as on map 1, that is you can still fail it if you are too far off course
Superku — 2021/04/24
looking through old files right now, want to copy something over. I posted a similar shot before but here we go, the OG upper map 2 sketch: https://i.gyazo.com/be015bcd31eff66d34af4da438e7c5ba.png
Superku — 2021/01/22
map 1 before shifting stuff around: https://i.gyazo.com/6299ccf31931e7cc24d0d394a357111a.png
Superku — 2021/01/03
original map 2 attempt (well, ignoring the map 2 attempts I had made months before, like a child's play room or a mario style level), tried fixed screen jump king style stuff: https://i.gyazo.com/65c41e0877818d148aa499b8cd28341d.mp4
・ボツになった幻のFootball With Your Friends
Marsh — 2020/12/01
He realeased a gamemode called football with your friends at one point
There was 2 goals and a soccer ball, just like normal football / soccer
Kydog21 — 2020/12/01
what happened to it?
Marsh — 2020/12/01
It was a bit laggy though
So Superku was mad at lag and rages, deleting it forever, the end
But he gave up on developing it because of lag, but at least I got to play with reinn
Superku — 2020/12/01
I rewrote it once, the whole concept. tried it again, still sucked (this time one player being the server) but in a different way. so it got map 2 axed
Marsh「一時的にFootball With Your Friendsというゲームモードがリリースされたことがあります。この作品は普通のサッカーと同じように、2つのゴールとサッカーボールがありました。」
Superku「私は一度コンセプト全体を書き直し、もう一度やってみましたが、やっぱりダメでした。(一人のプレイヤーがサーバーになるように設計し直した) それで、削除されました。」
Superku — 2020/12/01
old pineapples: https://i.gyazo.com/19e73f10c993213046acbc0bfb8bdf63.mp4
Superku — 2020/12/01
I was searching for something else, then I found this: https://i.gyazo.com/8a4a0c7bb4af5ac6a2b4756cca813b19.mp4
I think I could release it and let you play it
it's playable from start to finish
try this one instead: https://www.pogostuck.com/CavemenAndPogosticks.zip
Superku — 2020/11/20
this is a lidl ass obstacle I cut from the level. I was thinking of an angled ceiling jump you have to do to get over slippery stuff: https://i.gyazo.com/6ec9ea0ab48d4d22446702399a9e1bfd.mp4
Superku — 2020/11/19
this is what mr foddy said he'd do with the game after playtesting back in the days, that is direct control over the rotation/ angle: https://i.gyazo.com/ea71f84065a8d7eeb474f4536d0b91e1.mp4
Superku — 2021/04/21
gyazo shows me this as a related image: https://i.gyazo.com/042c3dfbd7cb89a37ca7e5e5fdc42f5a.mp4
the real shane — 2021/04/30
My canon (and probably the actual canon) is Pogodude falls asleep on map 1 and dreams of a world where he has a mysterious new way of transportation (pogostick). He decided to climb to the top. Once there he meets the mythical Monolith of Perseverance who visits worthy people in their dreams. He tells pogodude that he has 1 wish. He wishes to keep the pogo. He then wakes up in map 1. From there he decides that he wants to climb up the obstacles to show off to his friends. Once he makes it he shows that the pogo is better than the wheel. But unfortunately, by either sheer luck or foul play, he gets hit by the egg, sending him down into GoI. Frustrated, he decides to escape. Once reaching space the gravity is still slightly pulling him back, but since he flew so far he is transported to new lands. He falls into map 3.
But here things get a little weird. He may have been knocked unconscious because the Monolith is there. Or maybe it's a physical thing but only meets people for the first time in their dream
Superku — 2021/04/30
pretty accurate 👌 note that the monolith creates the world and the pogo stick in the pogodude's dream. it usually only appears to creatures in their dreams, but as we can see from the outro of map 2 or the intro of map 1 its powers transcend the dreamworld and reach over into the real world
第一章 - MAP2「MAP1の上で眠りについたポゴは、不思議な新しい移動手段"ポゴスティック"を手に入れた世界を夢に見ます。そして夢の中でポゴは頂上まで登ることにしました。頂上では、優れた価値ある人間の元に現れるという神話上の存在『忍耐のモノリス』に出会います。モノリスはポゴに「なんでも1つだけ願い事を叶える」と伝えました。そして,ポゴがモノリスに伝えたただ1つの願いはなんと『ポゴスティックを持ち続けること』だったのです…。」
第二章 - MAP1「そして、ポゴはMAP1で目を覚まします。ポゴは、友達に自慢するために障害物を登ってみたいと考えます。登りきることで、ポゴスティックという移動手段が車輪よりも優れていることを示したかったのです。しかし、ポゴは運悪くもしくは何者かに手によって卵にぶつかってしまい、Getting Over Itの世界に落下してしまいます。悔しさのあまり、ポゴはその落とされた土地からの脱出を決意します。」
→ (Getting Over It) →
第三章 - MAP3「宇宙に辿り着いたが重力はまだ少し残っており,徐々に降下…全く新しい土地に移動した。そう。ポゴはMAP3に落ちたのである。」
Superku「(このストーリーは)かなり正確です!👌 モノリスはポゴの夢の中で世界とポゴスティックを作っていることに注目してください。通常、モノリスは夢の中にしか現れませんが、マップ2のアウトロやマップ1のイントロを見ればわかるように、その力は夢の世界を超えて現実の世界にも及んでいます。」
Grab my stick and jump ahead to the top of the hill or better off instead This mountain, climbing this mountain.
With any luck I won't get stuck on this mountain.
it's all the rage traps through the woods over fields and cracks and I understood this mountain. Oh this mountain.
You can bet I'm spending all my days on this mountain.
My pals drop in and strangers too, gonna have a good time just hanging with you on this mountain. Climbing this mountain.
You'll rage with your friends where the fun never ends on this mountain.
Rage with Your Friends. この山では楽しみが尽きない。
・Pogostuck エンディング曲の歌詞
I left my home to travel,
Through sun and rain and snow,
And the joy of getting over it,
Follows where I go.....
After striving hard for ages now,
I think it is my turn,
To rest my weary feet where my hearth burns....
My journey showed what’s dear to me,
I’m heading for my home,
The steps grow ever sweeter now,
But I can’t forever roam....
Like a hammer beats the anvil,
The mountain shatters steel,
My heart beats with the pleasure that I feel....
My heart beats with the comfort that I feel...
My heart beats with the adventure that I feel....
乗り越えた(getting over it)時の喜びも
Superku — 2021/05/16
most only played map 1, even after map 2 released. these are the map 2 leaderboard stats:
the offline friend leaderboard is very close to 45k people who have launched map 2 at least once
maxipaxitaxi — 2021/03/10
which map are you most proud of?
in terms of game design and art
Superku — 2021/03/10
map 2 has much better art and better tech but map 1 is better designed IMO
OMEGAKU — 2021/02/12
superku where'd you get the idea of armadillos and ladybugs
Superku — 2021/02/12
they come from my previous canned platformer I worked on for ages. there I had bugs at first, which became spiked bugs a few years later, and then got replaced by armadillos
I had flying bugs also, which I replaced by ladybugs. copied them over to pogostuck
OMEGAKU「Superku, アルマジロとてんとう虫のアイデアはどこから来たの?」
Superku — 2021/01/19
have I ever mentioned how tricky the default geometry is to make? I spend ages defining the surfaces and angles, shifting stuff around for better shading, trying to balance bigger faces and busy areas, not to have "star" like verts with many edges and so on https://i.gyazo.com/ed2ac53b7f80caea5ecda0276a26c52b.mp4
shAne — 2021/01/19
what tool do you use to cut up geometry into those sections in blender?
i've tried the knife tool, but i think i'm using it wrong lol
Superku — 2021/01/19
mostly with extrude and subdivide and bevel. I extrude single vertices and build edges and faces manually or extrude edges of already existing faces (and make every other face triangular later). here's me rushing through it, took like 4 recordings: https://i.gyazo.com/b92e6c297e3ec33e01ac1fbcae3dde16.mp4
ポゴの身長はおそらく150cm。2560*1440の解像度で42m判定が出た高さが4216pixel、直立ポゴが149pixel。計算すると148.4cmになるけど誤差もあるだろうから150cm pic.twitter.com/YG4Mwv6fJL
— みぞる (@mizoruh) January 11, 2021
Kydog21 — 2020/12/07
Superku do you know who invented anvil skip?
id like to have a chat with them (:
Superku — 2020/12/07
me, sort of. told fuser on stream to give it a try, saying it should not be possible but it might. and he got it only after 10-15min or so
Kydog21「Superkuさんは、アンビル・スキップを発明した人を知っていますか?話をしてみたいですね :)」
shAne — 2020/12/07
the only skip that i'd be mad about as a dev would be palm skip, as it removes a big portion of the game
Superku — 2020/12/07
nah palm skip is good. anvil skip sucks. margin for error is too small, and it cuts out my favorite part of the map
(that is mushroom jump into walljumps, the 2 pillars and then anvil and start of flower garden)
Superku — 2020/11/29
if you see a game on steam that as been out for a while the average price for sales is probably 15% off
maybe more if they did deep discounts
then the game has a different price in a ton of countries/ every currency
so if you see 7 USD it might be 5-6 USD on average, if you have a bunch of sales in the US or europe
then you have to pay sales tax on your copies sold
you lose some extra money by refunds (because of transactions) and transaction fees in general
if your country does not have a tax treaty with the US (which germany luckily does) you have to fork over 30% to the IRS for withholding tax
valve takes a 30% cut of your revenue
so that is copies sold * 0.85 (% steam sales, maybe 0.8) * 0.8 (refunds and fees) * 0.85 (VAT/ sales tax) * 0.7 (steam cut)
that's 0.4046
you multiply the average price for pogo (because of varying currencies) by that, let's say 5.50-6, let's say 6 for the best case (I picked the best case in my previous calculation also)
that's 2.4276 USD per copy for me on average
(that's 2.03Eur)
which results in 1.15eur for me per copy in the end, pretty much, after taxes lol
販売本数 * 0.85 (スチームの売上比率、多分0.8) * 0.8 (払い戻しと手数料) * 0.85 (付加価値税/売上税) * 0.7 (スチームのカット) = 0.4046
Shorty — 2020/11/19
how hard is upside down if normal monolith is 10/10
Superku — 2020/11/19
jumps are more precise but less punishing
if you can escape the initial area
Superku「8/10か9/10か ジャンプはより正確に行う必要があるけど、罰則は少ない 最初のエリアから逃れることができれば。」
KikoGamez — 2021/04/22
you know whats the worst part of map 2. you get to 800m and then you fuck up and when you get to 600 to 700m you think you got the stategies under control but no. i've been doing the same thing and then all of a sudden i just get different results of what happened and now im just back to sucking at 600 to 700m until i get back up again... THIS IS JUST STUPID AT THIS POINT
Kevrageous_Kevning — 2021/04/22
literally pogostuck...
Curious_Cunning — 2021/04/22
Welcome to the “stuck” part of pogostuck
Hangook-Inn — 2021/04/22
Most play of the map 2 explained:
Hangook-Inn — 2021/04/22
900m-oops one mistake-583m
Angel has strike.
namu(남우) — 2021/04/22
We have to break the angel's head.
Anvil Skip is Sadge — 2021/04/22
Or give him lessons on how to be punctual
Curious_Cunning — 2021/04/22
more like 0m-50m-0m-50m-100m-0m-100m-50m-0m-100m-200m-100m-200m-300m quit for 5 days come back 300m-0m
quit again
still 0m
give up
then bees
Superku — 2021/04/22
I never imagined bees to be an issue when I made the map
ay bee see WigglyJiggly — 2021/04/22
Hangook-Inn「MAP2の解説: 0m。100m。0m。200m。300m。200m。300m。400m。200m。300m。400m。500m。600m。斧で切られる。0m。」
Anvil Skip is Sadge「もしくは、時間を守るためのレッスンをしてあげよう。」
Curious_Cunning 「0m。50m。0m。50m。100m。0m。100m。50m。0m。100m。200m。300m。5日休憩する。300m。0m。休憩する。まだ0m。諦める。そして蜂。」
ay bee see WigglyJiggly「Superku…………………」
Kydog21 — 2020/11/20
so i dont keep looking like a idiot whats the correct way to pronounce reinn?
! Best-ow ! — 2020/11/20
but some people say rain
I say both :slight_smile:
Superku — 2020/11/20
I see it as reign
AaroW — 2020/11/20
i like reign
Kydog21 — 2020/11/20
I think we should put a handicap on reinn
AaroW — 2020/11/20
is the SP pronounced S P or sph
Kydog21 — 2020/11/20
like put weights on his pogostick
AaroW — 2020/11/20
make his entire map covered in the sticky honey
Superku — 2020/11/20
wouldn't stop him
AaroW — 2020/11/20
he would use the honey to manipulate parallel universes and get every world record simultaneously
! Best-ow !「rine(ライン),rain(レイン)という人もいますが。」
Superku — 2021/01/19
I started making games when I was 12 years old. I bought a toolset (3D Gamestudio A4, yes, the same old thing I'm using up to this day, 20 years later) from a somewhat nearby electronics store
I loved it from minute 1, making levels in the 3d level editor and playing them. first just via a fly through camera, then by terrible template scripts for a bad shooter
I had the urge to modify them, so I dug into the source code. took me weeks and months to even change anything or display a cross hair on screen
then I just kept doing it in my free time. you can go to all kinds of game dev schools and whatnot, oftentimes going into debt by 30k USD or so but if you're not making games at home yourself it's all in vain
game dev was difficult back then
it's easy mode nowadays, no joke
after school (I learned 0 programming in school) I was going to become a doctor, because everyone forced me to. I even got a place at a university in another german (federal) state half a year later, got a place/ flat there. meanwhile doing stuff in preparation, stuff I would have to do in university later or general internships. until I finally called it quits, grew some balls, told everyone NO, I don't want to do that with my life. like to 100 people, and everyone calling me insane and stupid
tried getting into movies and films, directing. that was, besides game dev, my other passion back in the days. got a place at a film academy (not a huge deal) but bailed out there also. I was then looking at becoming a teacher, in mathematics and some other field (latin, or art even but I failed the art test :cry~1: normally you prepare 12 months for that, I only had 1 month)
and do game dev on the sides, hoping I'd make it big and then quit my teacher efforts
but at the first day of some pre-course in university I re-registered just as a math student, no longer teacher stuff
I learned to write better C code and algorithms in general there, and somewhat specialized and focused on applied mathematics were I could later
it's helpful doing game dev and I'd recommend everyone trying to program games to learn vector spaces and shite (dumbed down, not the university level stuff) but not necessary to study anything for making games
Superku「私がゲームを作り始めたのは12歳の時でした。近くの家電量販店でツールセット(3D Gamestudio A4…そう、20年経った今でも使っている、とても古いものです)を買いました。
AaroW — 2020/12/27
anyone else hyped for superku's next game though
I mean a new map is cool and all, but imagine a new game with a non-garbage engine
The possibilities are endless
Superku — 2020/12/28
new game is totally different
3 projects, still not 100% sure but I've been working on the same one since september I think
current project is an RTS btw
Shorty — 2020/11/25
superku do you have a patreon or anything i can donate to
yandersoony — 2020/11/25
i feel like i scammed superku by only paying 7 dollars for a game thats occupied me for almost 300 hours
Shorty — 2020/11/25
i woulda payed up 20+ dollars and still felt like it was a ripoff to superku
Superku — 2020/11/25
thank you, but no thank you. no donations
AaroW — 2020/11/25
just gonna have to wait for the next game 👀