【自然のこと6】 Nature Good Mode/八方ヶ原の早朝(栃木)/2021.06.05/芒種
Nature Good Mode 6月5日『八方ヶ原の早朝(栃木)』を公開しました。
Nature Good Modeは、ご自宅のTV、PC、タブレット端末などを利用して、窓から大自然を眺めているかのように活用いただくことでより良い時間を過ごすことが出来ます。
▷Location Data:
緯度経度: 36° 54′ 3″N / 139° 49′ 1″E
標高: 1,100m / 気温: 13.4℃ / 湿度: 71%
時空間: 2021.06.05. 05:00〜05:55 AM
The shooting took place in Happogahara, Tochigi prefecture. This place is famous for the 200K lotus azaleas that are in full bloom by mid-June, as well as for its panoramic view of Nikko, the Nasu Mountains, and the Kanto Plain in the distance. However, on this day, I was able to capture changes in sunlight and intricate cloud formations that surpassed both the azaleas and the panoramic view. From an altitude of 1,100 meters, the clouds were at the same level as our eyes, and we could clearly see the backs of the clouds, which we cannot see from the ground. As I gazed at the clouds from such a close distance that I felt as if I could ride on them at any moment, the long and thin clouds looked like dragons flying in the sky. I was deeply immersed in the activity of the earth as it moved toward the summer solstice.
▷Location Data:
Latitude and Longitude (DMS): 36° 54′ 3″N / 139° 49′ 1″E (Japan)
Altitude: 1,100m / Atmospheric temperature: 13.4℃ / Humidity: 71%
Spacetime: 2021.06.05. 05:00〜05:55 AM
▽ Support:
noteのサポート投げ銭大歓迎です!サポート頂いたお金は、ロケーションまでの交通費と撮影に必要な機材に使わせて頂きます!*Support will be used for equipment and travel expenses for the shoot.
■ PayPal.me
■ Amazon Gift Card: (nullgoodmode@gmail.com)
▽ Project:
■ Human Good Mode
■ Sake Good Mode
▽ Production Cooperation:
※Nature Good Modeは、HELIO COMPASS 地球暦を元に二十四節気のレコーディングを行っています。
All for the next Dimension.