Testosterone Undecanoate Injection Canada - Undecanoate 250 mg 1 vial 10 ml


Undecanoate is a testosterone ester. Basically, it is converted into dihydrotestosterone, so Undecanoate aromatize is minimal.

Product: Undecanoate 250 mg 10 ml
Category: Injectable Steroids
Ingridient: Testosterone Undecanoate
Manufacture: Dragon Pharma
Qty: 1 vial
Item price: $60.50


Testosterone undecanoate, sold for use by mouth under the brand names Andriol and Jatenzo and for use by injection under the brand names Aveed and Nebido, is an androgen and anabolic steroid (AAS) medication which is used mainly in the treatment of low testosterone levels in men., which includes hormone therapy for transgender men. It is taken by mouth two to three times per day with food or ...
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Nebido ® provides testosterone to men whose testes do not produce enough testosterone. The injection is an intramuscularly administered depot preparation of testosterone undecanoate. Following intramuscular injection of testosterone undecanoate as an oily solution, the com-pound is gradually released from the depot and immediately cleaved by serum esterases into testosterone and undecanoic acid.
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Aveed (testosterone undecanoate) injection contains testosterone undecanoate (17beta;-undecanoyloxy-4-androsten-3-one) which is an ester of the androgen, testosterone. Testosterone is formed by cleavage of the ester side chain of testosterone undecanoate. Testosterone undecanoate is a white to off-white crystalline substance.

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