「芸術の意味について知ている」とほざいてる人々 Those who yell they know the meaning of art
It is easy for the authoritarian powers in propaganda effort to make an one and only allowed authoritative interpretation of a text, a passage, a sentence or a word, or an utterance.
But they can do nothing to music. Music, in all her majesty. When those dumb barking idiots with their new-fangled ideological dialectics, Kampfwörte and begging the question or well poisoner fallacies, they can do so against a fortified wall of words, if they are loud enough it makes a crack and ruins the reputation of the castellated keep---but no one can bark a fast stream of emotion into submission.
What can you do anyway? Saying that Beethoven wrote Fate symphony because he hated Bourgeois class or dictators? Which movement are you talking about or have you only heard the famous "DAM DAM DAM DAM?"
People are free to use any music and interpret them in any way they want.
Politically too. But at least try to emulate the use of Beethoven's Seventh symphony movement II allegretto in the film "ZARDOZ". That is some truly inspired use of classic music, it blends the rhythms of cinematography into music, not the reverse. That feels like a good dance.
But of course those who are trying to do propagandas could not do this thing. For this is art and creativity. But they are not artists and cannot create anything worthy. They just put the music or a piece of art in the background, write an inflammatory paragraph; then reading it before a crowd, barking a little and runs away before anyone could ask them questions. Their reputation is too precious and they do not know answers. They also do not understand what music means and how it sounds like. But they only know that people say it is very good. So they take it and write a passage that is a collage of what people say about it, then they apply it to a framework of dialectics and mix in propagandas and hidden agendas. Then they bark.
But if you tell them to explain the music itself, they are at a loss. They would try to grabble the gist of what it sounds like with some dialectics or technical words, but then would fall silent. They do not understand that the heart that enjoys the happy sorrow in the music does not exist in dialectics or a learned formula for churning out politically driven words. These words are just words. They do not understand the existence behind it, and therefore when they listen to songs they see oblivion, and in fear they are driven to regurgitate what critics or public opinions say. Therefore music to their ears have never existed and would never matter. Well, they would just consider it as a consumer product that they do not like and none of their business apart from business interests. But who is to blame them? Those who deny and cannot see their own hearts? Let them consume themselves to their all-material deaths if they wish so. I will just shout, weep, smile or dance like a mad man when I hear music. There is nothing that fetters my heart, which is a peregrine in his elements---in the boundless autumn sky.
They might have never considered that there had been people who had lived and died for the music of the worlds. How could a man die for a consumer product which shortens his life as a consumer that might yield more economic productions? That is unnatural to them. But the faith in music has never been natural. There is no natural faith but inspired and creative ones.